I was checking the website and saw that:
Gf rs bots.org.
Haha, owned!
So i wont be getting 99 strength in 2 day's now. :(
What's botting? Is it like hacking or something?
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That was really fu**ing g** done of you Mute. Grow up.
(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/5981/warnwarnw.gif) Don't swear at a Mod. This is HIS turf. Even if you use "*".
There's no need to swear at Luke.
That's a stupid move by jagex.
I didn't swear? Read again dude? I'm having '**' witch you can't say anything on :) @Tiny
I've PM'ed you the new name, enjoy bo***** again! @Tony
You shouldn't have asked in the first place, didn't you see the "...by this site were illegal."?
I fully support Jagex taking these sites. I think the only RS cheat\bot\irltrade sites I haven't reported, are the ones that are ads on these forums. Worldscape first, then Jagex, after all. ;)
I bet you can't tell me more than 10 REAL botting sites, if you can PM me? I'm member at all except RSCh***.***
Quote from: Zonekiller on July 30, 2010, 11:59:18 AM
I bet you can't tell me more than 10 REAL botting sites, if you can PM me? I'm member at all except RSCh***.***
Drop it. No more Please.
G.F Rsbot.com, JAGEX: You have now defeated RsBot.org.
I know your going to support your mod friends, it's k. RSBot.com isn't down, it'll NEVER be down. Botting isn't agains the law, why RSBot.org wins. @Drunk