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Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: jamez1990 on July 20, 2010, 01:28:08 AM

Title: Cool Tweaks and Themes for Your JailBroken iDevice
Post by: jamez1990 on July 20, 2010, 01:28:08 AM
Follow the paths and you'll have an awesome iDevice in no time! If you're iDevice isn't yet jailbroken then please click here (,3614.0.html). I prefer Spirit, but I am too lazy to make a guide. =D


Cydia-> Search-> =input

The lock for the popular Android Series TouchPhones as your lock! You can set it as any 9 line combination.

This tweak gives you the ability to delete any apps that you've downloaded with Cydia apposed to going to Cydia and uninstalling the app. (also uninstall when deleted)

This app gives you the capability to listen to music and watch videos for free!

FiveIRows GUI
This tweak gives you the capability to add a fifth row of icons to each SpringBoard page. You can toggle the on/off settings in the Settings app.

This app/tweak lets you keep the Internet running while your iDevice is in sleep mode.

This tweak lets you view the exact time on your lockscreen.

Mobile Theatre*
Download movies and tv shows with this app.

Lets you record your favorite YouTube videos and store them on your iDevice.

Lets you hide and show certain apps. Apps are still on your iDevice, just not viewable.

PwnCenter/Steffwitz-> All Sources
Download either PwnCenter or Steffwitz and then download All Sources. This let's you have all of the trusted sources and browse more iDevice options.

Lets you toggle settings and put apps in a special dock. Slide the status bar to activate.

Six Icon Dock
Lets your dock hold six icons apposed to the normal four.

Lets you slide through your pages without stopping or 'snapping'.

Lets you have more than 8 tabs in Safari (max number unknown)

Gives you edit tools for the URL bar.

Lets you set themes for your SpringBoard, lockscreen, and just about everything else.

20 Second LockScreen
Lets your lockscreen last for 20 seconds without touch instead of 5.

* Illegal activity involved


Cydia-> Manage-> Sources-> Edit-> Add (=URL)
      AppSync for OS [os]
              Helps you sync apps from hackulo to iTunes
      Hackulous Security
              Protects you from harmful viruses on the Internet
              Get apps at the "five finger discount"
      Source GUI
              Helps you delete or reinstall the above apps
      Iconoclasm Layout Pack
              Pack of Iconoclasm layouts and designs
              Rotate your lockscreen in all four directions
      ProTapper Blue
              Puts a blue backlight where ever you touch on your screen (originally on the Palm Pre)
              Rotate the SpringBoard in all four directions (not all apps visible)*
     Infinidock (cracked)
              Lets you have an infinite amount of apps on a single page
     Infiniboard (cracked)
              Lets you have extra apps on your dock
     Inconoclasm (cracked
              Special designs for your spring board. It lets you have them arranged in special designs.

* Illegal activity involved
• I'm still toggling with this to make it better for yours and my own use
NOTE: If any apps or tweaks have "cracked" in their name they are illegal. They also may make your iDevice go into safe mode. See the bottom for more info.

Cydia-> Search-> =input

A Better Mountain Dew Theme (background and lockscreen them).
A Nuclear Beachhouse (background and lockscreen theme)
Duracell Battery (battery theme)
Illumine Lockscreen (lockscreen theme)
My Other Car is also a Porsche (background theme)

If you find any cool ones suggest them here and I might add it. (:


If you have any questions please ask! H4x (:

NOTE: If any apps have "cracked" in their names then they are illegal and may throw your device into safe mode. If this happens then go to Cydia and uninstall the last thing you installed. Infiniboard and Infinidock do not work for me, but Iconoclasm does, but it veries between operating systems...