hey guys well here are some of my kills i made when i reached 125 str well just the best ones i wont put the noob ones ;D ohh and i was combat lvl 93 when i made these kills. well its not many but hey its something aint it...haha and well some other kills i made i kinda forgot where i saved them...lol ohh and thanks to all of you guys that have helped me thru out the whole game.
Cool. at first I thought you were some nooby pking wanna-be lmao, but I see you have come a long way. I would challenge you with my level 132, 121 strength and 135 magic, but I gave it away >:(
who did you beat on the 4th picture?
i forgot lmao. but its their though i think its lil mimi or something like that not sure haha
Good stuff. :)