Due to the fact that my school has now blocked this website from being accessed there, I will no longer be able to moderate during my school times, which is from 8:30AM - 4:10PM (All GMT+00 Times).
This should only have an effect for the next few days, because my summer break is coming up soon, but it will still stay blocked even when I come back.
Use proxy, it'll bypass the school block access.
proxy.org and select one of the host proxy post the worldscape url and your back moderating again :)
My school also blocks anything that has to do with proxies,gamming..etc..anything that doesn't have to do with school work.
Our school is gay -.- ...
and what school you go to cause I have summer vacation already, and you are waiting for it...
Well you're lucky, my school has every website blocked, including wikipedia..
Our Librarian is a hawk, I was on Worldscape for 20 seconds and she was already on to me. She brought a sheet over and said "Now, What does that say?" [ The library computers are not for games ].
Also, How long until you're holidays?
lol my school is shit they think their admins are soo good but their crap they blocked 1 proxy then i found another i found about 10 proxies i can use that i can get on facebook n stuff so yeah i think for me its
thehate 1
school -1000
aka i win