June 21st.
6:28 PM, June 26th, 2010. (USA Central Time)
Feel free to comment.
Nice thieving! I feel like theft now. >.<
Thanks SouvLacki.
Nice, but im better...Mwuahahahahahahahahahaaaa!
Or am i? -,-'
Nice stats ;)
IEnterI, why don't you put some pics up for comments?
Quote from: SouvLacki on June 26, 2010, 07:40:10 AM
IEnterI, why don't you put some pics up for comments?
Not here. He can make his own topic but i suggest not to.(it will create too many topics if every one of the beta testers posted their personal Worldscape Blitz progress.)
You should post an update Brianna.
Alright, I will.