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Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: Jeremy on October 07, 2008, 06:58:31 PM

Title: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on October 07, 2008, 06:58:31 PM
This thread is now open for feedback. Please post your opinion and/or any constructive criticism that pertains to my writing.

Chapter 1:

Dear Leader of the United States of America,

The Saudi Family, and our President?! No way! That is just blasphemy for Mr. Bush to have any connection, or even worse, a close personal relationship with the ?evil-doing? SAUDIS! Quick, someone get me some earmuffs so I can pretend like I didn?t hear this! Unfortunately the Saudi Royal Family is not the only Saudis you have a close little relationship, now is it Mr. Bush? But you know Mr. Bush that the Saudi Nation is the number-one supplier for oil. How could you put yourself in this position? Wait? Did I just REALLY ask myself that? We?re talking about the President here, SILLY ME!

If I?m not mistaken Mr. Bush, your father in 1990 saved the Saudis when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Now was that just a coincidence that your good ole? pops was there, and so kindly offered them a ride home? I THINK NOT! Mr. Bush, I?ve been doing a little bit of reading; in the New York Times, on 2003, I read a little article. This little article told me a few little things about you. It stated that the Saudi Royal Family considered you to be ?apart of the extended family?. Odd? I believe so!

Mr. Bush, please explain to me how you can justify passing the ?USA PATRIOT Act?. We all know that it stands for ?Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001?. Now if I?m not mistaken, exactly how many people died from ?Weapons of Mass Destruction? in 2002? How about 2003? How about 2004? How about 2005? How about 2006? How about 2007? How about this year, 2008? Oh that?s right, none, 0, ZIP, NADA! Absolutely none. Where the hell did all the terrorists go!? You?ve done a great job in scaring the living crap out of everyone and now you and your trusty companion d*ck  have the ability to ?trap and trace? any and all emails you want, view banking records, school records, the list of library books checked out, and purchases made by anyone who lives in the United States of America; home of the free. Free? Yeah right. What happened to confidentiality? Did you just decide to throw that out the window too? Thanks MR. BUSH!

Mr. Bush, why have you gone to such excessive lengths to convince me, my family, and everyone who lives in this so-called free Nation, that we are in danger? That at any moment a terrorist will fly out of the sky and kill me? I believe it is because you want to rule the world. First by controlling us, then getting us to support your efforts to dominate the rest of the f*cking planet. This sounds crazy, doesn?t it? You want to ram USA down the throats of anyone who would dare question who is number one. Who is number one? I SAID, WHO IS NUMBER ONE!? Please, everyone, say it, yell it, so Bush and Cheney can hear it! WE ARE NUMBER ONE, USA! USA!

This is just the tip of the ice berg. Not that I enjoy grounding you into the ground Mr. Bush, it?s just that you?re a cruel, evildoer. HA! How?s that, I used your own word against you. ?EVILDOERS!? Mr. Bush, I have one final topic to discuss with you. Can you explain to me why over 5,000 young men, most of them being students, were ?interviewed? by the FBI for no reason other than they may not be citizens or they are of Middle Eastern origin? How about the 1,200 people detained and held indefinitely and secretly, most for no reason other than minor immigration violations?? How do you think, in your sick little pathetic brain of yours, that you can detail this many people FOR NO REASON!? Most of these ?victims of the wrath of our President? were detained for over 6 months. If I?m incorrect, and please, PLEASE inform me if I am, that while these students were being detained they endured ?a pattern of physical and verbal abuse? and ?unduly harsh? imprisonment policies. Mr. Bush, if you didn?t notice, but it is un-American to imprison a large group of people when there is no credible reason to think they are dangerous. Did you get all that? Let me repeat it nice and slowly for you; IT IS UN-AMERICAN TO IMPRISON A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHEN THERE IS NO CREDIBLE REASON TO THINK THEY ARE DANGEROUS! What the hell goes through your head everyday to justify these actions? You make me sick.

Well Mr. Bush, I?m pretty much done owning you with this awesome letter. I hope someone from your so-called ?administration? finds this, reads it, and decides to show you it. I?m not sure if you will understand it all, that all depends on whether you can read or not. Oh wait, never mind, you can read?. AT A 5TH GRADE LEVEL! Thanks for sitting their 22 minutes after the first building was hit, reading to little kids by the way.

I?m so proud of you George, keep it up!


A pissed off citizen of the United States of America.

P.S: I can?t vote this year, I?m 16 days short, but I promise you I will get all of my ?independent? friends to NOT vote for you and your sad-excuse of a party. Although... come to think of it... that shouldn't be too difficult. Can't wait to see you next year... oh wait... scratch that!  :D

I hope you get impeached right before you're replaced you bastard.

Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on October 16, 2008, 07:47:30 PM
Chapter 2:

I find it interesting how 'most' Republicans are so GUNG HO on their beliefs, and how dare ANYONE tell them that they are wrong! For example, I was talking to a friend the other day and he started to go on about how "the Bush tax cut is going to put this country back on the road to prosperity!" I ignored him, like usual, but he proceeded; "too many deadbeat lazy immigrants are on welfar," "they should build more prisons and throw away the key!" Not that his forceful beliefs offended me for I know that for every two liberals, their's one conservative and this helps balance our nation. So rather argueing with him, I decided to listen to him rant and rave about Bush, liberals, ignorant hippys, and welfare suckers. All of these people sound the same. They seek nothing less than ridding the planet of bleeding-heart multi-culturalist wherever they may be having gay sex! But if you listen long and hard, you can hear their faint and distant cries for help. It's clear that they suffer from a unique idealogy that is slowly driving them insane. They are, at their core, very, VERY afraid. They are afraid because, ultimately, they are ignorant. They are ignorant of much of the world that exists outside of their own. They haven't a clue what's it's like to be black, or hopelessly poor, or wishing to kiss someone of their own gender, or to feel guilty for not feeding your kids dinner that one night, or having to get a third job to just barely get by, or dealing with that bastard conservative Bush Administration taking away their rights, homeland security; or having to choose to buy your medicine for your illness, or food for the week! This fear quickly forms into hate, which eventually leads to a very dark place. They become consumed with a desire to actually harm others (almost never with their owns hands, instead they would rather 18 year olds do their dirty work. Even if that includes death.) Disgusting.

My neighboor, on the other hand,  is a conservative. She's a great person. Her house is clean, she takes care of her kids, and she is an all-around happy person. And to be honest, I don't think anyone really is a Republican, I think they are just using a word associated with tradition, common sense, and saving money. So they stuck this label on themselves, after all who was the first Republican to be heard about in history class? That's right! Good ole' Abraham Lincoln. That great guy who was good enough to be on the penny, the 5 dollar bill, and to get us out of school for a day! Anyways, back to my conservative neighbor. We were talking breifly, and I asked her a few questions: Do you want a clean environment? Would you live in a neighborhood with black people? Do you believe in going to war to resolve our differences with others? Now, I assumed, like in most cases, that I won't get the standard Republican answer. But when I asked her if women should be paid as much as men, she said "we should be paid more!" Or when I ask her how's her mutual fund coming along, she says "don't ask..." So I have ONE HUGE QUESTION: If Bush has driven the economy into the ground, and cost you thousands of dollars, if the Republicans want to make it easier for people to dump shit into your lake, and if you think you should have the same rights as men, then why on earth do you call yourself a Republican!? It blows my mind, it really, really does.

One of my co-workers is a die hard Republican. Good for him, more power to him! However, we were discussing Obama, and McCain, and he said in these exact words "Obama is a communist!!" I almost laughed out loud! First of all, he resembles to nothing of a communist. Second of all, he didn't even know what a communist was! He looked me straight in the eyes, and said "Obama is a communist! A damn communist!" How ignorant is this? To place a label like that on someone without even knowing what the f*cking label means! What people don't see, that I do, is that Republicans are easily brainwashed. Bush says "TERRORIST!," and you all sign up to fight for your country! Good for you! But what you don't know is why. Why you are fighting, the REAL reason behind it. You are told something, and you act upon it without wanting to know more. Your commander in chief says "bomb this city!" and for the love of god, you bomb bomb bomb! Now, is it me, or bombing a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11, that has NEVER even killed an American Civilian, right? Is this just? Is this what the founding father's would want? Of course it's not!

Now for my loyal, liberal readers, I have some word of advice. This will help lessen the urge for the Republican obsessionist (yes I just made up that word 'obsessionist' someone who participates in the act of obsessing) who demands that you listen to his/her bull-shit of an excuse 'truth', and idealogy (not that i'm trying to be rude here. Honestly. Their's just no easier way to put it.) When you come into contact with a conservative, I suggest you follow this:

Try to understand the mind of the conservative. This is a MUST if you ever dare to ever, EVER, understand how they think or to cope with any conversation you have with them. Unfortunately, what you will find is fear. Fear of crime. Fear of enemies (ironic I know). Fear of change. Fear of people not exactly like them. And, of course, fear of losing any money on anything. If they can't see it, they are afraid of it. If they can't smell it, then they think the planet is in good shape.

It feels good to get some things off my mind, however, their is one more thing i'd like to address. Rounding up drug users and putting them in prison is a huge waste of time, and money. It costs $25,000 a year to lock up a doper; it costs only $3,000 to provide treatment. Even the most expensive treatment costs around $15,000 a year, still being far less than prison. We are spending $20 billion... 20,000,000,000, for the war on drugs. A war that is lost year, after year, this isn't new news. Plus, keeping drugs illegal doesn't stop their sale. All it means is that you, the conservative entreprenuer and investor, are making ZERO profit from the deal. Uh-oh, you didn't think about that one huh? You're not in on the deal! You aren't making M-O-N-E-Y! Americans spend about $63 Billion on illegal drugs each year and you've done a damn good job of keeping yourself away from a piece of that action!
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on October 24, 2008, 07:13:31 PM
Chapter 3

I'd like to show everyone reading the power you actually have as a citizen. A lot of the people I talk to about impeaching Bush (far too late now), or speaking their voice for what they believe in, say that they don't think they matter. I used to be the same way. A few days ago I got a letter from one of the Senators of the United States of America! She was responding to an impeachment letter that I threw together last minute, and sent it to the Democratic community i'm apart of. I did not save a draft after I sent it in, but the Website Administrator did say they can send me it back, so now i'm just waiting. I'd like to show you what the Senator wrote to me, and to prove to you that your voice can be heard. Don't ever say you are ignored!

"Dear Jeremy W. Ritter,

Thank you for your letter concerning impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush. I appreciate the time you took to write and to welcome my response as you mentioned at the end of your letter.

In our last national election, voters expressed clear disapproval with the path this country is on. They are tired of partisan politics and of an Administration that pays little heed to the wishes of the American people. They want-and deserve-a Congress that holds the Administration accountable and fulfills its Constitutional responsibility to check and balance the Executive branch. I share this sentiment and am determined to work hard in the United States Senate to promote issues that are of real concern to most Americans, including the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, homeland security, global warming, and the current state of our economy.

Although your letter offered powerful insights, I believe that impeachment proceedings against President Bush will only divide the country even further, frustrating our hopes for a meaningful change in direction, while having little chance of success.

I have been deeply disappointed by many of this Administration's actions and have been outspoken in those instances. Nevertheless, given the challenges our country faces I believe that we need to focus on constructive and cooperative steps that would lead us in the right direction. It is my hope that the next Presidential Administration's actions will more accurately reflect the will of the people.

Again, thank you for your letter. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact my office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
        United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website"
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on November 03, 2008, 04:13:03 PM
Chapter 4:

The ignorant; the right-wing media; the conservative gay; what does that really mean? Ignorant defined means: uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning. I find it interesting how part of the gay population can stand behind McCain, and completely disagree with President Obama on almost every ideal he has. When gay?s talk about how they are voting for McCain, and still stand behind him even after the election, it frustrates me! How can you stand behind someone who is against gay marriage; which inevitably makes him against the constitution. It confuses me on how someone who wants gay marriage to pass, who is apart of the gay population, could stand for the quite opposite. To stand there and say you are pro-McCain, or pro-republican, when you are a homosexual, is blasphemy to your country, and your rights as a human. It slaps you across the face with ignorance because half of the gay?s don?t even know what McCain really stands for; if they knew what he really stood for they would NOT vote for him, or still stand behind him today. It is a human right to get married. It is a human right to sign a piece of paper saying you are ?married?, and it is a human right to live happily ever after. Prop 8 is plain, and simply discrimination and it is wrong. Today the sponsors of Prop 8 want to eliminate fundamental individual rights. The Californians need to do everything in their power to reject discrimination, and Vote NO on Prop 8. Plain and simple.

I?m sick and tired of hearing about how Obama is going to get assassinated. I honestly see no point in discussing it and making such a big deal out of it! We all know it is very possible, doubtful, but possible. The most targeted presidents have all been democrats and since President Obama is African-American along with other things he?s an even bigger target! Obama had more security then President George W. Bush before the election, and now it has doubled. The extremes republicans will go to astonishes me. I honestly haven?t heard any Democrats talk so much about him being assassinated but mostly focusing on the possibilities a culturally-mixed President can bring. The hope of uniting a divided country is in our grasp, the hope of becoming more civil and pulling out of Iraq as soon as we can, and attempting to make America a more peaceful place is all very possible. I have a message for all Republicans and that is to suck it up, and stand behind this man. He is entering the White House under very unfortunate circumstances that will make his life hell for a while. He?s already selected his Chief of Staff, and Secretary of Treasury. President Obama is already putting his plan into motion, and he?s not even in the office yet! He will bring change; change to our economy, change to our military, change to homeland security, change to our screwed up schooling system, change to how America is viewed by the world. We need change, and President Barack Obama will bring us just that!
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on November 03, 2008, 04:13:25 PM
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on November 03, 2008, 04:14:05 PM
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on November 03, 2008, 04:14:24 PM
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Jeremy on November 03, 2008, 04:15:14 PM
I would like feedback so i'm opening this thread up. Feel free to give your opinion!

Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: jobsnotjail on December 19, 2008, 05:06:20 PM
you are so right
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: serguy3 on March 18, 2009, 04:56:16 PM
i find that the republicans always fill there own pockets. they don't look out for anyone except themselves. republicans treat people like dirt, destroy the economy, and waste all our taxes on war? do people not realize this? it's like a mob being in the white house! i find jeremy ritter's words down to earth. i can't wait for the next chapters.

Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Archangel555 on March 18, 2009, 05:10:50 PM
When i read this....
i can't do anything else then agree, absolutly right
just like serguy, can't wait for the next chapters  ;)
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Pavilion on March 18, 2009, 06:39:26 PM
Great read, Jeremy. I'm eagerly awaiting the next parts.

And in spite of all that's happening, still Atlas Shrugged.
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Remy on April 28, 2009, 06:19:08 PM
Wow Jeremy....... really long, but from what I read at the beginning about confidentiality I quite agree.


Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Prehistoric on February 18, 2010, 04:13:29 PM
HUGE  Bump..... I got permission From Jeremy...

Guys you really need to read this i realize hes not a president anymore... but it is interesting and you gotta give Jeremy props for writing this out... Took alot of work and definately alot of thought..
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Drunk Mario on February 18, 2010, 04:27:32 PM
Quote from: serguy3 on March 18, 2009, 04:56:16 PM
i find that the republicans always fill there own pockets. they don't look out for anyone except themselves. republicans treat people like dirt, destroy the economy, and waste all our taxes on war? do people not realize this? it's like a mob being in the white house! i find jeremy ritter's words down to earth. i can't wait for the next chapters.

i second that!
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Prehistoric on February 18, 2010, 04:38:51 PM
That wasn't hard to think about  Serguy...ROFL in fact that is one of the truest things ive heard in years... Thanks for puting that out
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Drunk Mario on February 18, 2010, 05:53:15 PM
Quote from: Prehistoric on February 18, 2010, 04:13:29 PM
HUGE  Bump..... I got permission From Jeremy...

Guys you really need to read this i realize hes not a president anymore... but it is interesting and you gotta give Jeremy props for writing this out... Took alot of work and definately alot of thought..
Yeah we have to give him props! wonder how long it took to type all that..
Title: Re: Jeremy's Ideology
Post by: Prehistoric on February 18, 2010, 10:51:12 PM
Besides the thought and effort put into it Jeremy is retarded its hard for him....(Seriously kidding)
Wish more people would read this....