..., These are good rares
Option 1: Yes
votes: 7
Option 2: No
votes: 2
Option 3: I Don't Know
votes: 0
I'm just having a little bank sale, there isn't to much to sell. I just need a few rares i haven't got.
I'm only accepting rares, possibly rares i don't have.
My In-Game is: Pk0wnedall.
Quote from: Pk0wnedall on June 20, 2010, 07:57:49 AM
I'm just having a little bank sale, there isn't to much to sell. I just need a few rares i haven't got.
I'm only accepting rares, possibly rares i don't have.
My In-Game is: Pk0wnedall.
ill offer mine apperentice wand for something if you doesnt have it.
I want the castlewars hood and cloak, the princess skirt, and the barrows gloves. I'll offer in-game since it's going to be a lot. ;)
Quote from: Drunk Mario on June 20, 2010, 09:36:47 AM
I want the castlewars hood and cloak, the princess skirt, and the barrows gloves. I'll offer in-game since it's going to be a lot. ;)
Okie Dokie mate, i'll see you In-Game: My name is "Jack".
Why do you have Red Gloves, Red Mask, Obsidian Shield, and Holy Water on there? I've owned 260k of the gloves at one time, 600k of the masks at one time, shields are available in online shop, and I had 14 of the Holy Waters at one time.
Quote from: Imploding on June 26, 2010, 01:23:17 AM
Why do you have Red Gloves, Red Mask, Obsidian Shield, and Holy Water on there? I've owned 260k of the gloves at one time, 600k of the masks at one time, shields are available in online shop, and I had 14 of the Holy Waters at one time.
I've got 5m red masks and 100k red gloves, i just need to get rid of that junk.
Did you sell the Castle Wars Cloak and Hood yet?
i wanan buy blk knife ill see u in-game if u still got it
i need dat prince top :o
ill offer a master wand and clue scroll for uhh anything on that list exept for red hween mask and red gloves. ;D
you want wiz (g) bottom?