oh my god i know this sounds really dumb but im only 11 i found the girl i love on facebook i sent a friend request i dont know if she likes me and i want to ask her out!!!!!!!! im too scared! i always fail what do i say!???
Say that:I WANNA **** YOU
lol jk ofc...well talk about diff. things at last b4 she goes home or something like that say that you love her and kisses,lmfaooooooo! :D
that would make her think im a creep...
Hmm...dude ask wouter he's perfect at those stuffi haven't ever gone out with a girl,lmfao....
well,when your goin out with her?
dude my problem is what do i say to make her be my girlfriend
w\e ask a high experienced person. :)
your "lucky" because you don't know what it's like to be rejected even more unanswerd...
well thursday... just calm down and be really nice this is what i like from guys,
-their nice
-full of love
just ask her but be kind and nice to her i bet she will like you unless shes a person that likes looks :\
theres a diferent version...
keep it appropriate program.. And just be nice and be cool. Don't studder when you talk.
Walk up to her and say "Listen, ummmm, can I have yo numba?" she is forced by law to give you her full number.
what number?
she doesnt have to most likely she wont and i wont say " oh you have to its a law" idiot.
It's called a joke, and by the way it's the ultimate pickup line. Other than this...
YOU: Did you know guys think with their dicks?
HER: Yeah...
YOU: Wanna blow my mind?
I've gotten so many girls with the first one, and it works about 75% of the time. The second one has gotten me about 15 girls and works 100% of the time. I don't use the second one as much because I don't want other to steal it and have all the girls hear it...
How does FB fail? And why did you bring that up? Lol, Joker, since when are you IP banned?
haha forum mod on a rs private server= no life loser whos never had a girlfriend get a life!
Quote from: thursday9000 on May 07, 2010, 06:54:52 PM
haha forum mod on a rs private server= no life loser whos never had a girlfriend get a life!
Here we go.
Lets get back to the topic!
My advices:
Don't say this:
''I play runescape''
Say this:
Wana' buy a box?
Say this:
"Suck my Tarzan-tree trunk d*ck!"
lol...a facebook hook up..Cool.,goodluck thrusday.I would listen to shelly.She know what shes talking about. ;D
Shelly is a dirty sex tiger, of course she knows...
wow i think i might be datin some person..,. wow... against my wil lol
That's stupid, It's not the looks but the attitude.She might be a really pretty girl but a B*tch in her personality.
Be careful girls are trouble ;)
There's some horrible advice in this topic lol.
lock it i got rejected
Quote from: Flame on May 08, 2010, 08:56:00 AM
There's some horrible advice in this topic lol.
That's why he got rejected. Like half of the shitty advice on here is from me, lol. =)
look bro,dun just go out to her and say I LOVE YOU BABY!!!
u gotta be calm
full of love
just get to know her more better and she get to know you,as soon as you know her well and u are sure that she rlly like u,ask her out and on ur first date like hold hands and all this bla bla stuff
in ur 5th date ask her to be ur GF and kiss she would definatly say yes.
Quote from: Nick© on May 08, 2010, 12:30:58 PM
Quote from: Flame on May 08, 2010, 08:56:00 AM
There's some horrible advice in this topic lol.
That's why he got rejected. Like half of the shitty advice on here is from me, lol. =)
It's only shi**y because you don't do it right. :o
No, it's shitty because I'm messing with him. If he did any of that stuff then he's really stupid. The one where I explained the two pickup lines do actually work. Depending on how old you are either one might be good for you. Nightwatcher, are you even 13 yet?
Quote from: Nick© on May 08, 2010, 04:40:43 PM
No, it's shitty because I'm messing with him. If he did any of that stuff then he's really stupid. The one where I explained the two pickup lines do actually work. Depending on how old you are either one might be good for you. Nightwatcher, are you even 13 yet?
it was a joke.. ::) And why do you ask his age? age doesn't really show anything. Let's use joker as an example, He is like what 11? He's pretty mature and cool about things. Just because you are younger doesn't mean that you don't have very much experience with women. And he got rejected? ouch. First love- rejection. second love- rejection third love- B-I-N-G-O. 8)
Lol, and how old are you? Numbers don't matter with this kind of stuff either. Gotta have that magic connection. When you first see him or her you gotta be like "whoa..." and then some.