The title explains it all really.
Weirdest thing for me?
Well, I chose I.T as one of my GCSE's, and It is one of the hardest courses available in my school.
The weird bit? My current I.T teacher has NO knowledge on how to work a computer correctly, and the most he can do is Log in, Do the online register and type some stuff up in Microsoft Office 1997.
EDIT: OMG I'm a Runite poster now. o.0
Then he shouldn't be a IT teacher. He should be a noob teacher. ;)
Lol, Mute, you've been a Runite Poster for over 100 posts... I think the weirdest thing that ever happened in my school is the one time I walked in on my language arts teacher and my gym teacher making out.... I then saw one of my friends watching them and enjoying it...
Lol, I'm a while away from my previous mark. I think I just passed up Imnotme. Any other weird stories??
My computers teacher felt up my friend once... They said if he did it again he'd get fired... Why not get fired right away??
My teacher walked by this grade 9er and grabed her boob :().
Lol, we don't allow that, the teacher has a social disorder, although I don't think that sexual harrasment goes in that category. More like the total rapist-pshyco category... Lol about the 9th grader thing.
They was like 10 fights and stuff in the lunch room and someone pulled a blade on a teacher and likeee, it was on the newss and stoof. uhh yeah, >_>. There was so many police and police dogss and. wow. O_o. just stupid , Lol. they immature ;P
You guys remember H1N1 (swine flu)? The high school I'm going to next year was closed down for a week because of it. It was the only one in the country that was closed down and I was a year away from getting a week off from school. Did I mention that they don't need to make those days up at the end of the year??
At my school we have this substitute every once in a while, and she's one of the subs that makes all the kids love her. (We're 8th graders, we don't love anything at school...)
So whenever she comes she always says a site, which I won't say, that she says is hers. SO.
When I went to that site, it took me to a porn site. WTH. :o
*Checks spelling, checks other sites she might have meant*
WTHx2. She's like 43, strict, and apparently thinks we needed to see that. :-\
Eugh.. Next story?
This isnt wierd or stupid but...
At my old highschool, some senior (grade 12) was sellin drugs outside of the school at night.
While in a trade the buyer pulled a gun on him and the senior ran for the hills.
the buyer wanted to rob him of the drugs, as the senior ran, the buyer shot him in the back of the head and fled the scene.
Luckily, the senior ran to the house across the street and that was the one thing that saved his life.
Poor kid though, Learnt his lesson.