Do you like "Underbelly"?
Option 1: Yes
votes: 0
Option 2: No
votes: 0
Option 3: I love it
votes: 0
Option 4: It Sucks!
votes: 0
Option 5: It's okay
votes: 1
I was watching Underbelly last night and it was good but it is a bit weird. I'm posting this to see what you think about underbelly. Post to tell us what you think about underbelly. I'm adding a poll, please post on it.
Please stay on topic
Quote from: mafia137 on April 11, 2010, 08:12:44 PM
I liked last years one better :P
It's still good, That guys scar was gnarly :o
I know it was that ugly.
Quote from: Volcanic Me on April 11, 2010, 09:51:02 PM
What's "UnderBelly"?
Underbelly is a show about the past time in Australia. Read a biography on it. I'll get a link for you.
Here ( and Here (