Just post which skits you liked from each weeks SNL. Do the current week only and not prior ones.... It goes from Saturday until Friday because it might be replayed or just recorded or something and you just see it then....
4/10/2010--- Tina Fay and Justin Bieber--- First air.
Quote from: Nick© on April 10, 2010, 11:41:10 PM
Just post which skits you liked from each weeks SNL. Do the current week only and not prior ones.... It goes from Saturday until Friday because it might be replayed or just recorded or something and you just see it then....
Quote from: Nick© on April 10, 2010, 11:42:08 PM
4/10/2010--- Tina Fay and Justin Bieber--- First air.
You could of just modified you post, Come on banjo you should know by know.
Bottom line:
Please don't double post
I did it so that I don't have that date on the original post and so it doesn't confuse people...