hey guys,i was wondering why is WS off ??
Updates/Fixing ect.
It'll probably be up soonish.
This goes in Tech Support and yes it is off for now. Jeremy or Ryan are updating it because when you log out your account stays logged in... In a way I'm multilogging in game. Trinislave and Wuuuuuuuuut are my accounts. =)
yeah it says 45 ppl are online...
This morning there was a log in difficulty, if you logged on and logged off your account would remain logged in and this happend to almost everyone who was playing the server at this time, so the server had it's max members online then Jeremy came on, i think he done some shizzle i'm not to sure.
Basicly what Nick said.
Lol, it was at like 2 in the morning CST.
Idk i think it is off too :o
when will ws be on again? I cant stand not playing worldscape for even a day :o
why is it off on the day i need to trade max my chompies. :(
Yay, Server is back on :)
There we go. Server's up; thanks Pk0.