Hi there everybody,
I'm new on here. Mute wanted me sign up so I did finally did. I'm not sure what the forum is about, but I'm sure I shall learn over time! ;)
welcome to ~A.G.F~!
Hope you get the forums understood quickly and have fun with it!
-scary voice-, do you know what i think of strangers punk? ;) Welcome to forumsPUNK!
Quote from: Mute on April 01, 2010, 03:46:24 PM
Quote from: Maxi on April 01, 2010, 03:07:04 PM
-scary voice-, do you know what i think of strangers punk? ;) Welcome to forumsPUNK!
I'd advise you don't do that, since RawrusTeaRex can be pretty violent on the internet. :P
Oh yes, very violent on the internet... I can bite you head off, I feel invincible as a friendly dinosaur called Barney.. ::)
lol ;D
IF UR SAYIN SAULT...then ur from israel??
Quote from: Mute on April 01, 2010, 05:11:50 PM
Quote from: Joker_ on April 01, 2010, 05:07:45 PM
IF UR SAYIN SAULT...then ur from israel??
Salut is french...
Ù...رØبا is israel. (Arabic)
Yeah it's "Hi" in French :D
nononono wait....hi isn't Ù...رØبا in israel...its in arabic...i studied arabic well....but israel doesn't use arabic langauge.
By Isreali do you mean Hebrew? The Jews live in Isreal, and Hebrew is the main language. (also Yittish)
Ohi welcome to the forums
Welcome To All Go Free, Hope to see you around.