Hello i was just wondering if anyone could make me a good banner.
Background mixed like grey and black.
Any Writing or Pictures?
If you fill in this following code then i'll have it made ASAP.
Extra Text:
Have fun.
I hope you like what i will make for you. :)
Background:black n grey
Extra Text:Electro
make the pic electroish if you can thnaks for this :D
sorry for inactivity kinda busy in life.
I can't find any good electroish backgrounds, sorry. Would there be anything else you want as the background?
can't think of anything else. Just make something that you think looks really good. :D
Quote from: Elementaloty on March 31, 2010, 04:35:06 PM
can't think of anything else. Just make something that you think looks really good. :D
Okay, I'll do my best.