Runescape failed with a quest putting a skeleton between the wall.
First glitch I ever found!
Post it on there forums, They will have it fixed in no time lol, They need to be 100% perfect at all times.
The people who work at runescape Head Quaters are so nerdy, i added a picture :)
Lol i hope you like :)
Where was this picture even taken on rs?
it's under lumby, go to the graveyard next to the church and theres another new house next to the grave house and go through there, you have to finish a quest to get there, it's quite easy, u just kill 3 (level 3) noobs.
Voltimolt (http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=999) is famous, He found a glitch! Beat that Runescape.