Status Username Position Date Registered Posts
Zack Forum Mod 2008-08-13 1,714
chaoslancex Player Moderator 2008-06-09 1,618
Ry60003333 AllGoFree Owner 2008-04-22 931
TriniBoy AllGoFree Staff 2008-09-24 889
Omri Dragon Poster 2009-03-27 885
Drunk Mario Dragon Poster 2009-05-16 807
Bill Forum Administrator 2008-08-30 775
Jeremy AllGoFree Owner 2008-04-22 701
caponer Runite Poster 2009-03-20 621
Joker_ Blitz Beta-Tester 2009-09-22 538
(The players on the list have no life and spend most of their time on posting pointless posts.)
LMAO! i have no life either, i just started posting..>.>
Quote from: mooshu on March 04, 2010, 10:26:57 AM
LMAO! i have no life either, i just started posting..>.>
: ) <3