That is all.
Lol.. I thought this was a joke until I logged on (which took forever because I'm not used to the new login screen lol) and saw I had 990hp wow lol...
i like that u can pm ppl before u log in!
Lol...why'd they switch the hitpoints...making stupid changes..
I know, I logged in and had 900 HP (or as Jagex likes to put it 'Constitution Points'). I don't mind the update to be honest, I guess it gives a bit more variety and excitement to training. Because we all know how time-consuming and repetitive a lot of RuneScape is.
I give Jagex two thumbs up on the 80% Iron Bar creation chance. That's great, time to buy a crap load of Iron Bars. :D
Do you get a different amount of exp per hit, or do you need more for 99??
It's all the same still, but you just hit higher.