Congratulations to X on his mile stone of getting 99 str =). Good job X!
I'm callin' bots. :)
I offered him my favorite one, but he keeps declining...
Quote from: Noobshow on February 22, 2010, 06:53:17 PM
Congratulations to X on his mile stone of getting 99 str =). Good job X!
It's Not Strength it's Fishing so yeh, Congratulations X on your achievement on 99 Fishing.
congratz!(send me bots!) ;)
Congratz!! Alex!!!! sorry i was not part of your Party, but i had to go. :(
Yeah, sorry I couldn't be there. I'm grounded because I'm failing math... 2+2= <><??
Congrafreakulations!!! Im proud of you ROFL...
Quote from: Bill on February 22, 2010, 06:55:00 PM
I'm callin' bots. :)
Let's not try to demean his achievement.
I know for a fact he doesn't Bot. Good job Alex, keep it up. : )
Go alexxxx. i think i said it already but i don't remember so...CONGRATZ NOOB!. your milestone is now. -you have no life- GF! <333333.
the bots i use are crappy and make me triwrl... i need some good training ones ok..sed me some
c'mon ppl i need bots got updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know about the update, my bots still work. ; )
[email protected] plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah I despise botting lol
How about not using bots and train yourself!!@#@#$ failure..pfft..>.>
Quote from: mooshu on March 04, 2010, 12:58:59 PM
How about not using bots and train yourself!!@#@#$ failure..pfft..>.>
Jose, calm down. It are kids. :P