There's 2 things thats annoying me.
1. That Worldscape Is Really Laggy.
2. I'm Really Bored And Want Someone Fun To Come Online Worldcape.
3. I Feel Like Ice-Cream!
There was no need to make a poll about this.
1. Ryan went over upload limit or something for this month, so just wait.
2. I'll come. 8)
3. Do you feel like ice cream? Or do you just want some?
Rofl.. this is really random.. How do you feel like Ice cream? if you can feel like ice cream i can feel like ZACK ;)
EWW ZACK!!! ((i love bugging zack i have never even met him..))
What Really grinds my Gears is people who Nag and keep naging and don't know when to stop, players who don't know when to just leave things how they are and thats why they usually get in trouble.
i can solve number 2 also gimme Chicken pot pie... you know i figured out why it was so addicting...((ROFL JK))