It's only on the client that you use...
Quote from: imnotme on February 14, 2010, 08:52:34 PM
It's only on the client that you use...
well what shall i do? i will post a way how to log on it...
Quote from: doormcburger on February 14, 2010, 08:59:12 PM
yup its very interesting,i ama send more,more and more pics.
Don't advertise other clients like you were earlier.
stop causing proplems banjo...
every body can play allgofree on his own clients.
your are causing proplems if you like to argue post some where else.
You aren't supposed to advertise other clients, this could also lead to item scamming because the client shows the items differently. G-F
This is also some what advertising an other server, which is a no no.