So earlier this year my google account "EmailMeHateMail" was disabled due to possible terrorist activity. I'll post the exact response I get when trying to login to my account:
Google Accounts: Google Account disabled due to suspicious activity
We've disabled your Google Mail Account.
Because we detected unusual, and radical behavior on your account, we've disabled the account for your protection. We want to protect your privacy and make sure that our Mail service is used in correspondence with our Terms of Use.
Radical behavior? I'm not a freaking terrorist. Google you fail.
Blow up Google headquarters. Post if you support! (lol)
Google Fails. I made a account, They say. "Your account has been disabled" I'm like Wtf! I just made the account like 2 minutes ago.
I've never had any problems with my google account, But it's olllllddd...
Maybe you were planning a secret attack! xD
I still say YAHOO!!!! :o ::) :P :P :P :P :P ;D ;D :D ;) :)
Google fails more than anything!
Quote from: Rory on February 12, 2010, 05:22:31 AM
Google Fails. I made a account, They say. "Your account has been disabled" I'm like Wtf! I just made the account like 2 minutes ago.
I know! Same thing happened to me! IM like Fuc* you google!
Jeremy the super terrorist.
We gotta blow up a building owned by Google! Allah Allah Allah!
Quote from: Jeremy on February 12, 2010, 03:24:35 PM
We gotta blow up a building owned by Google! Allah Allah Allah!
SHHHH! It's supposed to be a secret! Geez man! I had a thought.. maybe we could get eon9 to do something about this ::) ::) Rofl GOODBYE GOOGLE! AND GOOD RIDDANCE!
Let's put all our support behind Bing now!
I still find this quite epic though.
Quote from: Bill on February 13, 2010, 01:56:03 AM
I still find this quite epic though.
HAHAHA :D XD I like it! and it takes you back so you can type in google search. Ftw lol
Nice post bill and jeremy, what about kidnapping the owner of google? :o
Quote from: Bill on February 13, 2010, 01:56:03 AM
I still find this quite epic though.
Dude.. thats not quite epic.. IT IS EPIC! rofl.. i actually laughed-out-loud!
I support blowing up Google HQ, and kidnaping their Leaders!
Allah Allah Allah!
Terrorism isn't good Brianna!
NO U! I will murder you 3 ways to yesterday!!!
No one gives a f*ck about TTC, at all! We want him to die!
I declare a jihad on Google! Allah Akbar!
Quote from: Mute on February 17, 2010, 01:02:13 PM
Ok, the whole terrorism thing is going OTT.
Now just because google fails quite epicly, doesn't mean we can ALL turn into Allah's weapons of destruction.
I Do Not Believe You. You Must Be Part Of The Hivemind That The Robot Giraffe Overlords Invented Over Three Million Years Ago. You Will Doom Us All. You Will See. And Then It Will Be Too Late. Be Warned.
Yes, that's the best I can come up with. No, I really was trying.
Sorry to hear, Jeremy.
*hears kabooom * "holy S*** THOSE ARE GUYS!!!"
.....pretty much explains itself with the terrorism topic
Okay, enough with the posts that are going off-topic. The subject of this topic was Google and why they fail, not exactly about terrorism and ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH! It seems to be spamming the topic in my opinion.
Yes Google Fail, I support you Jeremy and all the people who hate google,
Google Disabled my account, for swearing at people.
At least I tried.