Yes or No to Toilets filled with sh**?!
Option 1: No more sh** toilets!
votes: 5
Option 2: I like taking dumps in dirty toilets
votes: 1
Option 3: Kumkwat
votes: 2
Ever have to take a (naughty word here), and you can't wait any longer?
The teacher finally excuses you, but when you get to the toilet... there's a big, nasty (naughty word here) that looks like its filled with corn...
Then your like AWH (naughty word here) I gotta (naughty word here,) (naughty word here!)
Well..I hardly use the school bathroom, But when I do, last time I was able to use the teachers bathroom..and not till i was finish, then I notice it was a teachers bathroom x.x
Yeah i know! I totally support you with this! IN one of the bathrooms at my school the toilet is clogged with(insert bad word here) and has been for over two weeks! I always like to use the big stall when(insert bad word here).. rofl.. i don't know when.
Our toilets are not that bad, and i never go too the toilet at school ;D
^ Lucky, I sometimes have to (naughty word here) at school :(
Okay well today was almost really bad..
Okay so i was in 6th hour at school.. and i had to(insert naught word here) so i wrote pass and went to the closes bathroom to the classroom.. I go in there and there is this kid already in the stall.. I was like (insert naught word here!) and then i ran out and i had to run down 2 halls to get to the other bathroom, then i got in there and went to the big stall(?) it was clogged(told you that story) so i go to the next one down.. doesn't have a lock. Im like (insert naughty word here!!) and i went to the next one down and finally it was okay. Then you know.. nature called.
theres actually only 3 bathrooms in my school((styles in stuff inside)) Janitor sprays the toilets in s..... stuff with bleach and pine sol im allergic to those D***!!!
Yeh, school toilet's are bad, but you just ask to go when you cbfed doing school work!
I always pee at home o.O
Haha, this is a very funy post. Well...You don't have to do that (insert whatever whatever) just say it, I had to take a "dump"
and I needed to go to the bathroom bad! lawl. But then again though I kinda agree with you, it's sure is a MESSY WORLD OUT THERE ;D my advice to you is that go to the nurses office or do what Triniboy did go to the teacher's bathroom and RELEASE THE EVIL!.
I Just Wait It Till' I Go Home Then I Sit On The Toilet For Like 3 Hours! ::)