Well I got my iTouch back and I realized I have barely any apps. Any suggestions on which FREE apps I should buy?
I think it requires "JAILBREAKING" or something like that before you can get free apps for the iTouch
He just means free apps. Apps that are free.
There aren't many good free apps, they're all mostly the "lite" versions that suck.
As Zack just said there are not many good FREE apps, but if you have itunes just go to app store and type in free apps there is at least 20-30 apps, hope this helped :D
I know that the lite versions suck and the paid ones are better. And I had mine jailbroken but then I got a viruse and had to reboot my iTouch and get a new account because the other one contained the virus. I had to pay $40 for the apps back that I liked. The highscores for the gaming ones were erased.... I was 128th best skeeballer out of over 15,000.
Virus? By what you just said there is a virus on your iTunes account which is impossible. You should just be able to log back into your account and download all the apps you bought for free.
My iTouch was all buggy whenever I use that other account but not when I use the current one.