EDIT: (http://i47.tinypic.com/2my3xx2.jpg)
Thanks Caponer. 8) ;)
I don't know how to lol. ::)
Shouldn't this be reported?
Last time i checked luring was against the rules ???
Quote from: Sir Tor on January 07, 2010, 08:56:09 PM
Please report this.
Quote from: Sir Tor on January 09, 2010, 06:08:38 PM
I don't know how to lol. ::)
Press 'printscreen' on the screen you want to be posted. Go to paint, press ctrl V and your whole screen will be pasted. Than use the Select tool to select the part you want to be as picture. After selected, press ctrl C. Than open a new paint and press Ctrl V. The picture you want to be posted will be cutted out of the whole picture. Just save this one, upload it at www.photobucket.com and copy the [IMG] code in a post. I hope you understood it ;)
Quote from: mafia137 on January 16, 2010, 08:26:55 AM
Shouldn't this be reported?
Last time i checked luring was against the rules ???
Luring has never been allowed! Yes, this should be reported here: http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/board,46.0.html (http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/board,46.0.html)
Quote from: Sir Tor on January 09, 2010, 06:08:38 PM
I don't know how to lol. ::)
If you don't know how to, learn before you post something like this! (-.-)
Quote from: Bri on January 16, 2010, 12:23:50 PM
Quote from: Sir Tor on January 09, 2010, 06:08:38 PM
I don't know how to lol. ::)
If you don't know how to, learn before you post something like this! (-.-)
Rawrr, calm down briana. Not everyone is perfect.. :P
lol r u serious?? he probably got owned. :P
He did in fact get owned... BY ME! I kind of wanted the rouge so I went... yeah...lol... =/. Whatever I got a kill
See the funny thing was that Ry had to be on att and the lurerer got muted. :D