Well how often do you get caught with your iTouch, PSP, or anything else during class?
I haven't gotten caught yet but I think I might get caught soon.
Well, i got caught but 1 thing, it was outside at the playground.
I was listening to my phone and we were fighting with friend when the teacher came by and saw the phone and asked why do have have it out? (damn, I forgot that I had my phone in my hands.) but the teacher left my off the hook ;)
Lucky!!!!!! I'm going to class tomorrow and I just know I'm gonna get caught with my iTouch.
I get caught everyday. Apparently my iPod looks exactly like a phone, even though iPhones don't work up here.
Everyday? Do you need a parent to come in and pick it up? We do and it's gonna suck.
They just say "Are you texting?" I just say "No, it's an iPod" in a really smart tone so they feel stupid.
Lucky, we can't even have gum in class.
Most of those apply to us too other than the extra clothes stuff.
In my school, if we're caught with gum...
all they do is say 'spit your gum in the bin'.
and then off the hook again...
Holy crap! We can't even have packs of gum with us much less be chewing it.
Lol my principle took my phone last day of school and i don't get it back until the start of school(like 3-4 weeks)it's sucks so bad!
I said it was a ipod touch(because it's a iphone) but principle had an iphone(i had no idea teacher have a social life outside school?)
My school they don't allow any electrical devices , besides a graphing calculator
in school. We have to go though scanning and they check your bags, like how it is when your at the airport :(
Yet some of us are able to get things pass scanners , like me, IPOD KeyChain, lmaoo. ;)
Ok, so you don't like your school rules, do you?
Try mine:
No gum. (In lesson or out)
No electronic devices to be even ON in lesson
No food in lesson, if food is to be eaten outside, it must be within a designated area.
No Drinks (Apart from PLAIN water in a 'sports bottle')
No additional clothing/jewellery (exception being religious stuff)
And about 6 others, which i cant remember...[/size]
Anyway, On-Topic, I've never been caught with tech in class, since the only thing I use is my Ipod, and my hair covers the earphones!
These is my school rules...
1. All students are to be in their assigned seat at the appointed time.
2. All students are expected to have a folder (given by the teacher to keep all assignments), pen or pencil, a highlighter, planning agenda, and a good attitude.
3. No food, drinks, or chewing gum allowed in the computer labs.
4. All students will stay in assigned seats until directed to leave the classroom.
5. All students are expected to respect property and the rights of others.
6. Each student is to conduct himself/herself in a responsible, businesslike manner.
7. All make-up assignments due to absenteeism will be by appointment.
8. Students are not allowed to bring diskettes/CD's, cell phones or MP3's.
9. Students are not allowed to access games or the Internet without express permission from the teacher.
10. Students are to abide by the -------- County Schools Acceptable-User policy at all times.
On Topic: I break rule 9, 8, and rule 3. ::) ;) :D
I don't takkee mines out, cause I'm a good little girll. x33.
Quote from: Mute on January 04, 2010, 04:22:06 PM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on January 03, 2010, 11:33:31 PM
Lucky, we can't even have gum in class.
Ok, so you don't like your school rules, do you?
Try mine:
No gum. (In lesson or out)
No electronic devices to be even ON in lesson
No food in lesson, if food is to be eaten outside, it must be within a designated area.
No Drinks (Apart from PLAIN water in a 'sports bottle')
No additional clothing/jewellery (exception being religious stuff)
And about 6 others, which i cant remember...
Anyway, On-Topic, I've never been caught with tech in class, since the only thing I use is my Ipod, and my hair covers the earphones!
Heck Yeah Dude Ur Rules R the Same As Mine It suck but i kinda always break it :D i got caught with an i phone,i pod,laptop in my bag,gum,PSP And Play Station In My Bag Couse I Was Going To Joker's After School :D
my school rules (from what i can remember is)
no gum at all (no1 follows this rule)
no electronics on during class (no1 follows this rule either)
and sum shit about respect lol
our school is quite relaxed on rules..
The rules listed on your second post are all applicable to my school. There are many others including no 'abstract' language which is swears and racist terms. Physical contact at all. Many others bur I'm on my iTouch...
Well I was directly involved so....
Anyways.... I got caught!!! She gave it back because apparently everyone gets one chance.
Were allowed to chew gum in our high school, but not in our elementary or middle schools. I'm in the high school, so I can chew gum. ;D
We can have iPods, but can't listen to them during a class (unless the teacher doesn't notice ;) ), but in classes like my Computer Science class, he doesn't care if we listen to iPods or not. Were also not allowed to use cell phones, but most people do and it really depends on the teacher. Again, my computer science teacher doesn't care if we use our cell phones, and he even has his out all the time. ::)
i always take my psp and my n72 much times got busted... :P
Whats an n72?
A phone.
yeah nokia n72
O, lol. I never get caught with my phone in class cause I forgot it in Florida!!! XD
Quote from: Banjo Hick on January 09, 2010, 05:48:51 PM
O, lol. I never get caught with my phone in class cause I forgot it in Florida!!! XD
Nice going, I got caught with my cell phone when my ring tone went off in class. ::)
Lol. I had my iTouch with me and was fooling around with tones for when I get a text and i could barely hear it but my teacher that was 15 feet away could...
I can have my phone, laptop psp etc In class. :D
Last year of school left she's nicer to me so.. i'm allowed.. JUST lol
As long as I do 80% of school work done, I get 1 hour break so I'm texting like crazzyy Haha
When i use to be in school the teacher did not care. unless the prinsiple came in then he would take them alway.