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Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: maxmager on December 29, 2009, 03:37:28 AM

Title: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: maxmager on December 29, 2009, 03:37:28 AM


Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:

Video 6:

Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: maxmager on December 29, 2009, 03:52:11 AM
Everyone Post your opinions please.
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: Purity on December 29, 2009, 04:53:20 AM
teh condellza chick lies too much. Release evidence!
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: maxmager on December 29, 2009, 10:42:54 AM
There was no evidence, A missle hit the pentagon, and the buildings were demolitioned by the government, and it was a government plane.
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: HotMax123 on December 29, 2009, 11:36:51 AM
my band haz a song called conpiracy theory!
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: Triniboy on December 30, 2009, 12:01:22 AM
Okay, the idea of the Pentagon only being 63 feet or so, and Boeing 757 is about 175ft, look at this video

The F4 can take a lot pressure than a 757 with greater G-forces, And only at 500 mph... Commercial jet airliners can do almost 600 mph, and which they cruise around at 550 on ground speed .

Then too, why would someone post the limits of an important building? Wouldn't it make it more vulnerable for attacks? Telling where all the cameras could be, someone could easily knock them out now?


I will be adding more to this.

Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: maxmager on December 30, 2009, 12:08:07 AM
Trini, did you watch videos 1-4? They only tell little information in 1-2, if you would watch all six videos, his opinions would make more since.Also, if you listen to your video it says "This wall Ready to absorb energy" Do you think the pentagon really was prepared for a plane crashing into the walls of it? No, it wasn't a plane, other wise there would have been rumble because the wall was not ready for that impact, therefore, a different outcome.
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: Triniboy on December 30, 2009, 12:16:02 AM
Quote from: maxmager on December 30, 2009, 12:08:07 AM
Trini, did you watch videos 1-4? They only tell little information in 1-2, if you would watch all six videos, his opinions would make more since.Also, if you listen to your video it says "This wall Ready to absorb energy" Do you think the pentagon really was prepared for a plane crashing into the walls of it? No, it wasn't a plane, other wise there would have been rumble because the wall was not ready for that impact, therefore, a different outcome.

As to the Twin Towers, I don't think they would put such wall like that , but as to a building as the pentagon, as the guy said, main system of the USA,one of the main nerves, They would do that. And did you see the impact of the plane, Nothing was left of it? it turn into dust(you know what i mean). And compare the size of the plane to the wall? F4 was at-least 6-7-times longer than the wall.
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: maxmager on December 30, 2009, 12:20:23 AM
The F4 is not a 757 though, if you can get the same test with a 757, then i'll believe your theory, but a 757 is a very big plane, and why did they find the top of a missle head at the pentagon? please explain, if you did not see, watch the videos, it show's the missle head.
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: Pavilion on December 30, 2009, 01:21:19 AM

But seriously, I guess you could just ask it on the Mythbusters official forum.

EDIT: nvm, game's over, get back to work play

"[] 9/11 CONJECTURE is not appropriate to this forum. There is ample evidence supporting the official conclusions. "Conspiracy" theories have no basis in scientific or practical fact. These topics will just get deleted."
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: Zack on December 30, 2009, 01:23:41 AM
That would be a weird episode.

"Were terrorists really behind 911? Watch Mythbusters as we put it to the test."
Title: Re: Conspiracy Theory.
Post by: maxmager on January 01, 2010, 06:07:50 AM
Zach, thats the point though, the f4 was bigger than the wall, the 757 wasn't so it would have left some wing marks, and there was no reckege? at all? 30 minutes after the plane hit the wall? how do you explain that? and the wall didn't collapse until thirty minutes after so. if a plane hit a wall, wouldn't it not the top off also? and, where did all the gas go? there was a 86 million btu rate, that would have made the pentagon rumble.