-Rune Platebody and Platelegs (g)
-Black Platebody and Platelegs (g)
-20 Elemental shields
-5 Mouse toys
-Rod of ivandis (10)
-4 Obby shields and 2 Obby mauls
-Skeletal top and bottoms
-Red boots and glove
-2 Excaliburs
-46030 Archer helms, 519 Berserker helms and 5 Farseer helms
-2 Rune claws
-4 Grains
-Broodoo shield 10's
-Bronze platebody
Ps : i want rares or $
i buy
-Rune Platebody and Platelegs (g)
-1 rune claws
-skeletal bottoms
Mister salt
I'll Buy red boots and gloves.
Joojoojoo doesn't play anymore, because all hated him.
ill buy your mouse toys how much i need more than 3!!! please pm me fast my ws name:hallo poeper
Hated him? darn i needed skeletal top..wish he woulda stayed i bet i wouldnt have hated him..
...,... :).........................................................................................
Don't make posts like that, please. Since you're new I won't tell Zack...
how much for exculab(***) idk ::)