This topic is for MyLifeIsAverage (MLIA) ( messages only. If you visit MLIA and you find a funny,comical,practical,favorite,etc. MLIA post then you may post it here, you may also reply to a message but you may not make negative remarks. Get to posting.
My MLIA for the day:
Today, I was in one of the only two bathroom stalls in the bathroom, and realized there was no toilet paper. I decided to wait until the guy in the next stall left, so I could get some from that stall. After about 25 minutes of determined waiting, the guy in the other stall asked me for some toilet paper. MLIA
So i don't double post:
1.Today, my Physics teacher's phone went off with a girly ringtone. Someone said "Why don't you change your ringtone, dude?" trying to be funny. The teacher came back with "Why don't you tell your mom to stop calling me?" The kids face was priceless. MLIA
2.Today, My dad walked in the basement and caught me skipping. He asked me why I wasn't at school? I asked him why he wasn't at work? He then proceeded to say don't tell your mother and cracked open a beer. I love my family. MLIA.
3.Today, I was walking home from the grocery store when I got held up by a young boy sitting on the sidewalk and his mother trying to drag him off the ground. As I walked past, she said, "If you don't stand up, I'll send you home with this lady and she'll force you to eat broccoli every day!" I pulled a bag of broccoli out of my shopping bag, and with a very serious face said "it's true." I've never seen someone stand up so quickly. MLIA
4.Today, I was at a costume party. There were some really good costumes, until an older man who I did not recognize came in. He was wearing a long trench coat that he was holding tightly closed. Wondering what he was doing there I asked, who are you? In response he threw open his coat, revealing normal clothes with a camera attached to a fanny pack. A giant flash on the camera went off, after which he said 'I'm a flasher!'. BEST. COSTUME. EVER.! MLIA
5.Today, a police officer came to show my students his car. When he pulled up, a 4 year old boy with a water pistol asked me if he needed to find a place to hide it. MLIA