Choose one answer from the options shown in the above post, then ask your own. The options should be italisized. [i][/i]
Would you rather eat a babie or lick a hobo's arm pit?
Theres already 2 topics like this and i would lick a hobo's arm pit.
I checked the fisrt page and there weren't and since there weren't they are too old to repost in if they are on pages after that, also you have to add a question of your own.
Would you rather snort salt or eat triniboy's left ear
I would go all Mike Tyson over Triniboy's ear! :D
Would you rather stand up to a teacher and say "STFU" or pee in public? :P I come up with the cheesyest jokes. :P
I have done both already.
Would you rather shoot yourself in the foot or lose your thumbs (not painfully)
I would loose my thumbs. :D
Would you rather play "Never Give You Up" in the loud speaker in your school or buy an Xbox 360 then sell it to a homeless person for $30?
360 because I hate Xbox.
Would you rather lick a lollipop that you know has been somewhere disgusting or would you chop off your most useful hand?
Would you rather shoot a cop, not kill him but go to jail for a long time, or lose both your legs for life?
The legs, I'd lose the legs in jail probably anyway =\.
Would you rather bite a monkey or punch a donut, except the donut could fight back and it would kill you...
haha lol bite a monkey!
would you rather sing the song "girlfriend" by avril lavign infront of the whole world on television or dance naked infront of the white house?
Dance naked. I like to get my dance on. :o
Would you rather make fun and laugh at a kid who has cancer and will die or punch a mentally challenged kid in the face and ribs once? (If you HAD to do one of these.....)
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 01:15:11 AM
Would you rather shoot a cop, not kill him but go to jail for a long time, or lose both your legs for life?
I would loose my legs.
Would you rather make out with a guy/girl (if you girl) or got to school in the nude?
You skipped over my last one.
would you rather live hard or die tryin? s0n
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 04:10:25 PM
You skipped over my last one.
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 03:29:05 PM
Dance naked. I like to get my dance on.
Would you rather make fun and laugh at a kid who has cancer and will die or punch a mentally challenged kid in the face and ribs once? (If you HAD to do one of these.....)
Ups. :o
Punch the mentally challenged kid ( done it before) :P
Quote from: Sir Tor on December 08, 2009, 04:30:33 PM
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 04:10:25 PM
You skipped over my last one.
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 03:29:05 PM
Dance naked. I like to get my dance on.
Would you rather make fun and laugh at a kid who has cancer and will die or punch a mentally challenged kid in the face and ribs once? (If you HAD to do one of these.....)
Ups. :o
Punch the mentally challenged kid ( done it before) :P
... ... ...
post a question after you answer....
would you rather snort a pixie stick or eat a kangaroo's infected left testical?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 05:12:05 PM
Quote from: Sir Tor on December 08, 2009, 04:30:33 PM
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 04:10:25 PM
You skipped over my last one.
Quote from: Bill on December 08, 2009, 03:29:05 PM
Dance naked. I like to get my dance on.
Would you rather make fun and laugh at a kid who has cancer and will die or punch a mentally challenged kid in the face and ribs once? (If you HAD to do one of these.....)
Ups. :o
Punch the mentally challenged kid ( done it before) :P
... ... ...
post a question after you answer....
would you rather snort a pixie stick or eat a kangaroo's infected left testical?
Sorry forgot about the ?. :P
I would snort a pixie stick.
Would you rather stab your self with an ink pen or hack into Jeremy's account? :o :P
Ink pen all the way! We don't know what kind of nasty stuff I would find.... EWWWW GROSSSSSSSS!
Would you rather eat your shoe or lick peanut butter off of a hobos crotch
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 05:25:39 PM
Ink pen all the way! We don't know what kind of nasty stuff I would find.... EWWWW GROSSSSSSSS!
Would you rather eat your shoe or lick peanut butter off of a hobos crotch
Eat my shoe.
Would you rather join the North Korean National Army (NKNA) or run away from home? Im running out of idea's rofl.
Run away from home. Me too. =\ keep coming up with them.
Would you rather eat Zaaa or Mooshu?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 05:52:09 PM
Run away from home. Me too. =\ keep coming up with them.
Would you rather eat Zaaa or Mooshu?
Would you rather moon the White House or put hot sauce on your crotch?
Quote from: Sir Tor on December 08, 2009, 05:54:56 PM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 05:52:09 PM
Run away from home. Me too. =\ keep coming up with them.
Would you rather eat Zaaa or Mooshu?
Would you rather moon the White House or put hot sauce on your crotch?
Moon the white House all the way!!!!!
Would you rather have a dry nose then accidelty sniff salt and then get kicks in the sack
OR Have a painful death by a girl you really loved and she thought it was funny and evryday she would cut your skin layer by layer.
The dry nose one...
Would you rather eat a banana that had a mold issue with it or b*tch slap the president of kentucky?
Slap the president of Kentucky.
would you rather get dragged for 3 miles on your face by a truck or talk back to ryan7? o.o!
p.s. they both have the same amount of pain.
Truck. No chance of me back talking to you!
Eaten by your parents or have your skin peeled off little by little everyday until you die?
Depends. How fast do they eat you?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 09:53:13 PM
Truck. No chance of me back talking to you!
Eaten by your parents or have your skin peeled off little by little everyday until you die?
Lol when would either of those ever happen? The parents I guess.
Would you rather explode into thousands of pieces and die or look at me in the eyes? (Both have the same effect)
Quote from: Bill on December 09, 2009, 12:12:59 AM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 09:53:13 PM
Truck. No chance of me back talking to you!
Eaten by your parents or have your skin peeled off little by little everyday until you die?
Lol when would either of those ever happen? The parents I guess.
Would you rather explode into thousands of pieces and die or look at me in the eyes? (Both have the same effect)
Look you in the eyes. (not homo. -.-)
Would you rather get raped by a chiuaua in front of your girlfriend (but it says between you and her.) or have to hold onto a jet and if you hold on long enough for the landing the pilots each get to rape you.
(this is anal.)
Wow some of you go way too far with these things...
Quote from: God Colin on December 09, 2009, 06:47:12 AM
Quote from: Bill on December 09, 2009, 12:12:59 AM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 09:53:13 PM
Truck. No chance of me back talking to you!
Eaten by your parents or have your skin peeled off little by little everyday until you die?
Lol when would either of those ever happen? The parents I guess.
Would you rather explode into thousands of pieces and die or look at me in the eyes? (Both have the same effect)
Look you in the eyes. (not homo. -.-)
Would you rather get raped by a chiuaua in front of your girlfriend (but it says between you and her.) or have to hold onto a jet and if you hold on long enough for the landing the pilots each get to rape you.
(this is anal.)
get raped by chhuahua! :P
would you rather eat Bill's hair or lick Jeremy's butt? :P
Quote from: Flame on December 09, 2009, 07:18:48 AM
Wow some of you go way too far with these things...
Do not spam this topic.
Quote from: drunk elmo on December 09, 2009, 08:28:52 AM
Quote from: God Colin on December 09, 2009, 06:47:12 AM
Quote from: Bill on December 09, 2009, 12:12:59 AM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 08, 2009, 09:53:13 PM
Truck. No chance of me back talking to you!
Eaten by your parents or have your skin peeled off little by little everyday until you die?
Lol when would either of those ever happen? The parents I guess.
Would you rather explode into thousands of pieces and die or look at me in the eyes? (Both have the same effect)
Look you in the eyes. (not homo. -.-)
Would you rather get raped by a chiuaua in front of your girlfriend (but it says between you and her.) or have to hold onto a jet and if you hold on long enough for the landing the pilots each get to rape you.
(this is anal.)
get raped by chhuahua! :P
would you rather eat Bill's hair or lick Jeremy's butt? :P
awh geez.... hmm.... bills hair....
Would you rather have a firehose shoved up your a** and the on full blast for 15mintes or have to drink 300 bottles of the worlds hottest hot sauce and have to piss after that.
Holy shit.... idk... the hose thing I guess because of my very long anal canal. =)
Would you rather 7 or 8?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 09, 2009, 05:26:59 PM
the hose thing I guess because of my very long anal canal. =)
Flame's right though. Let's keep them appropriate. X.X
Quote from: Bill on December 09, 2009, 06:20:30 PM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 09, 2009, 05:26:59 PM
the hose thing I guess because of my very long anal canal. =)
Flame's right though. Let's keep them appropriate. X.X
How dare you flame! No more fun for us....
i would rather figure out what 7 or 8 meant.
Would oyu rather have 1 leg or 1 arm for the rest of your life?
Lol, I had a good response thought right? post a question too though...
the one arm
Would you rather grope your cousin (and they enjoy it) or grope jeremy (and he bans you)?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 09, 2009, 07:38:41 PM
Lol, I had a good response thought right? post a question too though...
the one arm
Would you rather grope your cousin (and they enjoy it) or grope jeremy (and he bans you)?
Its gonna be appropiate ='[ no more fun.
Yes good quesiton. but this one was canceled.
Would oyu rather have to drive blind folded in a car that ever bump you hit shocks oyu or be tied to a chair for a year?
The car because I could just stop....
Would you rather punch your mom or punch your dad?
My dad.
Would you rather be shot in the hand or the foot?
Would you rather kick a dog or kick a cat?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 16, 2009, 07:22:31 PM
Would you rather kick a dog or kick a cat?
Dog, I do it all the time, not to be abuseiv but to get them out of my way.
Would you rather make a stink bomb (one of those that smell like rotten eggs) and bust in school or hijack a fruit stand? :P
Would you rather be owned by Mooshu or owned by Zaaa?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 16, 2009, 08:22:43 PM
Would you rather be owned by Mooshu or owned by Zaaa?
Mooshu. I would expect you would go for the fruit stand rofl. :D
Would you rather play Club Penguin(or w/e way its spelled :P) or play camp with 50 level 3s?
Quote from: Sir Tor on December 16, 2009, 08:33:47 PM
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 16, 2009, 08:22:43 PM
Would you rather be owned by Mooshu or owned by Zaaa?
Mooshu. I would expect you would go for the fruit stand rofl. :D
Would you rather play Club Penguin(or w/e way its spelled :P) or play camp with 50 level 3s?
Play Camp. (more xp for me!!!)
Would you rather play WOW OR RS?
I would rather shoot myself in the foot....
Would you rather shoot yourself in the thigh or shoot the god/leader of your respectable religion/cult/sect?
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 16, 2009, 09:42:37 PM
I would rather shoot myself in the foot....
Would you rather shoot yourself in the thigh or shoot the god/leader of your respectable religion/cult/sect?
the god id take over after him.
Woulrd you rather run around the world once. or swim arounf the world once.
Run, I can run all day at 85% speed.
Would you rather explode or fight me? (both have the same effect)
Fight you cause you would die!
Would you rather cut yourself in 100 different places then jump into a pool of lemon juice, alcohol, vinegar, and needles
Watch all of FRED's videos all day for one year.
Is golden? If yes, then it would be epic.
Would you rather hold a lit M80 or break both your legs.
shot in crotch or have your crush ask you out then accidentally say no (fml)
Uhh, accidently say no to my crushh.
Would you rather:
be lit on fire for 10 seconds.
Or be in a small tank with 100 sharks for 10 minutes?
If it's up here then neither. (Dropped to -20 last night. :o) Rolled up in snow if I had to.
Would you rather fail all your classes on purpose or be in jail for 2 weeks.
Maybee Runescapee.
Go Home Tele!
Lol. :33.
Would you rather :
Be shot From A cannon And fly really high,
Or put your toe in Lava?
Would you rather: Be eaten alive by wolves or Decapitated :P
xD Bit Gruesome
Well, defiantly wolves because at least your body goes to good purpose.
Would you rather be a squirrel or a rabbit?
Amg skwirlez r awesum.
Would you rather eat a rat or watch an 8 hour documentary in history class.
"Watch" an 8-hour video in history! I would just sleep.
Would you rather have M&M's or Skittles?
Eat a hamburger or hotdog?
Have superpowers or be a genius?
super powers
speak like a homosexual for your whole life or every where you walk sh!* falls out of the sky onto your face lol.
Speak like a homosexual, you could of made something less offending ::)
Eat jeremy, or ONE BITE ryan?
Would you rather be stabbed or be shot?
shot would you rather wet your pants or crap your pants everytime you say hello, hi, hey, ect (all greetings) lol
Wet my pants >:(
Would you rather eat a Crayon or take a bite out of a live deer?
Eat a crayon.
It's really not that bad, ::),
Lol x3.
Would you ratherr. :
Be mentally retardedd,
Eat two of your fingerss. (dosn't matter which fingers. :3)
My two ring fingers because they are useless
Eat a marker or eat a crayolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllla crayon.
*Hides half eaten crayon* ewww who would eat a crayon, i pick marker.
Would you rather pull down your pants in public or dress like a banana and dance in the middle of the white house?(Everyone is there)
Lmaoo, dress like a banana, and dancee. Lol.
Sounds like fun. xD.
TV, or, Cell phone?
I'd rather die in my sleep. LOL.
Would you rather say a "dirty" word (like sh**, or the "f" word.) to the President or scream "I hate this God Da** World" on Live CNN News on a New Year's Day, at 11:59:99 PM on December 31st, 2011?
LOL, sorry if this is too offensive.
The second one because I wouldve survived through the apocolypse which happened 9 days earlier..
Would you rather eat moldy food or eat and swallow 5 pounds of cast iron?
Eat moldy food.
Ok, first of all Banjo, I thought the apolycpse started in 2012. People say the world is goint to end in 2012, OH NOEZ!!!
Anyways, would you rather read 3 books and write a rough draft on it, or write down 100 pages and writing the letter a (i.e.: This is a a a a a a...)?
Second one.
I though you said December 31, 2012. Not 2011. the apocoplypse supposedly starts on December 22, 2012.
Eat a catapillar or eat raw rocky mountain oysters (there are NO water oysters there!!!)
Quote from: Banjo Hick on January 28, 2010, 11:11:29 PM
Second one.
I though you said December 31, 2012. Not 2011. the apocoplypse supposedly starts on December 22, 2012.
Eat a catapillar or eat raw rocky mountain oysters (there are NO water oysters there!!!)
Eat a raw mountain rocky oyster :o
walking naked at your school/work or being arrested while CNN is vidding you so that your parents can see it all :o
Walk naked through the school, nudist eh? ;D
Jump out of a moving car into a pile of rusty nails OR Jump into a moving car
Quote from: mafia137 on January 29, 2010, 05:46:39 AM
Walk naked through the school, nudist eh? ;D
Jump out of a moving car into a pile of rusty nails OR Jump into a moving car
Jump into a driving car..
Jump out a flying car or into it? :p
Jump out of the plane.
Would you rather Shoot Jesus with a shotgun or Have a staring contest with Chuck Noris? (If you lose you die ;) )
Staring contest. I know how to defeat him. Tell him that the only way he could beat me is by losing. He would then explode because that is too hard for im to comprehend.
Eat monkey droppings for the rest of your life, or shoot your favorite family member in the face, but they don't die instantly, they die a slow painful death.
Shoot a family member. I hate my dad.>_>.
Would you ratherr,
Be a virgin your whole life,
Live with your parents all your life.
Live with my parents my whole life. Baby makin' is too good! ;)
Would you rather die by being hit by a train or jump out of an air plane to your death?
Who cares?
And I said shoot your FAVORITE family member.
Kill someone else and then go to jail for the rest of your life or commit suicide?
I would commit suicide. I don't like my life. :P
Would you rather...
Be able to do ANYTHING for a WHOLE day, or be the richest person ever to live, like you have $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...000 (Googleplex Dollars :o )?
Quote from: IvyX on February 01, 2010, 09:23:53 PM
I would commit suicide. I don't like my life. :P
Would you rather...
Be able to do ANYTHING for a WHOLE day, or be the richest person ever to live, like you have $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...000 (Googleplex Dollars :o )?
I already own google and like twice of that cash so i choose be able to do anything for a whole day. (WALKING NAKED IN THE US GOVERNMENT BUILDING!!)
Destroy blitz and all its work just to get attention or Hack the forum, delete all the post and post 1 post,'Sorry, no one noticed me..'
Hack the forum (is blitz ever going to be working? :o).
Get a pot of boiling hot tar pored onto you or get kissed by everyone that plays ~allgofree~ besides the cute ones, so that means i don't need to kiss you ::)
Quote from: mafia137 on February 02, 2010, 05:12:38 AM
Hack the forum (is blitz ever going to be working? :o).
Get a pot of boiling hot tar pored onto you or get kissed by everyone that plays ~allgofree~ besides the cute ones, so that means i don't need to kiss you ::)
Your not cute. So i choose the pot.
i dont know more wyr..
Restart a forum account or restart an in game account?
Quote from: imnotme on February 06, 2010, 06:02:09 PM
Restart a forum account or restart an in game account?
Believe it or not, restart an in-game account for me.
Would you rather stick your finger on a 450 degree stove for 5 seconds or be submerged in water that's 20 degrees below zero for 1 minute?
I would rather lick Triniboy's armpit than eat Jeremy's baby :o :o :o
Be quiet kid. I would rather do the underwater thing.
I'd do either.
Would you rather eat a cigar, or drink whiskey till you throw up?
drink whiskey till i throw up.
Would You Rather: Eat Bill's face, or eat a VCR tape. :o?
VCR Tape, if I ate Bill's face who knows what kind of 3rd world diseases I could get...
Quote from: imnotme on February 14, 2010, 11:59:57 AM
VCR Tape, if I ate Bill's face who knows what kind of 3rd world diseases I could get...
You would acquire the ability to be awesome in every way, shape, and form.
That would be considered a 1st world disease. Also known as Banjo Syndrome.
I Want Banjo Syndrome! ;D
Would You Rather Hump A Gorilla Or Eat Banjo Cheese?
Well I would like to hump a gorilla because it seems very very interesting and I'm always open to new things.
Commit suicide or commit homicide/genicide?
Commit Homicide, but definately not genocide
Would you rather taze yourself in the nuts, or have sex with a hobo?
Tazer Weh! *Zap!* "Ow!"
Would You Rather Eat Banjo's Hair? Or Eat Jeremy's Hair?
Forum because the in-game is more interesting...
Internet troll.
Get punched in the head by a women that you like,Or Have the same women kick you in the balls?
Quote from: mafia137 on February 18, 2010, 06:34:44 AM
Internet troll.
Get punched in the head by a women that you like,Or Have the same women kick you in the balls?
Head, obviously.
Would you rather laugh at a little girl dying of leukemia to her face because she has leukemia or laugh at a kid with down syndrome to their face because they have down syndrome?
Down syndrome. Laughing at someone with leukemia is just wrong.
Would you rather eat Cole or Cole?;u=7591 (;u=7591)
I'd rather eat Cole, the other one you said is wrong and unmentionable in my post.
Eat Zack, or eat Zack?
Would you rather survive a nuclear war only to become the podiatrist to a race of mutants, or become Zack...*shutters*
Second one.
Eat pie, or eat cake?
Don't know depends, what kind of cake? what type of pie? for all I know it could be crap cake or crap pie :-\
Would you rather eat your own crap? or lick my @$$?
Like you @$$
Would you rather slap Jeremy across the face... Or have sex with Britney Spears o.o
Have sex with Jeremy, or murder your self.
Murder myself..
Be stupid and beautiful, or ugly and smart?
Lick A Hobo's Arm Pit
Don't post things like that.
I'd rather be beautiful and stupid.
Piss yourself in front of you GF/BF or eat your dogs heart.....raw...
P*** in front of my GF/BF, although don't have one! I'm too young to have one! :o
Would you rather...
Have a car drop on you from a height of 600ft
Have Jeremy, Cole, Zack, Ry60003333, and Jeremy run over you multiple times?
The second one, I'm man enough to take it.
Eat fried worms, or eat unfired worms?
Fried. If you're gonna eat 'em, might as well make the best of it.
Would you rather give up the ability to walk and stand for the rest of your life or give up the ability to love/make love/anything sexual related for the rest of your life?
^(This should be a tough decision.)
Quote from: Sir Tor on December 07, 2009, 09:28:06 PM
Would you rather stand up to a teacher and say "STFU" or pee in public? :P I come up with the cheesyest jokes. :P
I have done both, I have done the STFU one about 5-6 times Lol.
Pk0wnedall, you respond to the person who posted before you and make you own.
I would lose the ability to walk and stand..
Eat dog crap or eat your own crap??
eat my own crap. -highly in vitamin a and b- :O -weirdest of them all-