One night I was peicefully playing worldscape and my computer suddenly brought up a window saying, "Your computer is infected" As then I quickly loged out of worldscape and other internet windows.
Then it brought up another window saying "Renew your antivirus click here.", I clicked on the botton that said "Click here" then it started to scan my computer for viruses. Then it brought up another window saying buy your antivirus protection . I couldn't buy my protection of the internet, because If i had viruses with could steel my privacy and didn't want that happening.(This was one day before my birthday July 19th.)
So the next day my grandfarther came over with maybe a solution to my problem. He checked my computer and saw what I was expirencing and said, "I have a solution to this problem." as this day is my birthday and had to wait another few days for him to come to my house with this $4,000 virus protection called Micathy. I myself have never heard of this virus protection before, but it is used in, multi-million $ companies for there computer saftey.
As the end of the day he said, "I will be back tommorrow with the virus protection." I waited all night and half of the next day, he drove up and handed me the CD that contianed the virus protection. A few minutes later I went into my house and instulled the protection. There on my computer has been fully protected.
Mcathy? Hmm, I've never heard of it. ::)
It does sound intresting, but just because it's a $4,000 dollar program doesn't mean that it really is good. It does sound good however, and it does sound like it is protecting your computer now. Thank god your grandfather was there to help. Happy late birthday by the way. :D
Have a great rest of your day (whenever your reading this.)
Thank you for the happy birthday!!!! ;D
never heard of that protection ethier. ill look it up when i have the chance.
Yes, it's not mentioned a lot, but also you mite not have recognized that protection because I did spell it wrong, The actual way to spell it is "McAfee" but the way i spelt it was more like how you say it.
o ok.
Nerver heard of any kind of virus thing like that.
I've heard of it but i like Norton Antivirus 2008 better :).
I've used Mcafee when i had my PC....
Now my mac doesnt need protection, cause nothing can litteraly infect it at this stage of runnning applications.
Well, I Sent My computer to a Professional Person.
When I Let Him Investigate it. Guess What? It Had 150 Viruses.
And you'll Never Believe what else HE did. Put 500KB More to my Memory
Plus: A Good Virus YOU Never heard of.
- Kaspersky Internet Security.
Lately I Removed my AVG Because i Found out.
They Were making the 150 viruses. Dont Get any Other Virus
Expecially Mcafee, ( Theifs ). GET Kaspersky Internet Security.
For Your Safty.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Test Comparisons
Protection from Spyware and Adware
And Proof About Macafee:
Most Frequent and small regular updates
Responses Time:
Official Kaspersky Internet Security
Note: The Website is not run by there own name. it is run by Microbe Pty Ltd
Remember there are many virus protections, also If your graphs are based off high quality virus protections, they are all quiet good or just Random virus protections. ???
I'm glad you have gave us some useful information. That will help us out on deciding what virus protection we will purchase or use next time it comes to that point. :)
Personally. I have a new virus pretection made just for Vista, from Vista, and windows. It's called LiveOneCare. It's about $200.00. So it's not bad. But I would switch from Symantec, to something else as fast as I can if I was anyone with it.
If you have Vista. I would highly recommened LiveOneCare ;).
~I am Chris. And I approve this message :D :D :D
Just buy a Mac and you won't have to worry about getting viruses, it already has pre-installed virus protection. It auto updates itself and doesn't cost you a thing. It is a fact that Macs get less viruses than Windows. (Yes, I am a Mac fan.)
omg this happened to me yesterday night and it said i had to update so i did and i scaned it for times and it seams like it is fine now,