Do You Think 2012 is really doomday?
Option 1: Heck No
votes: 4
Option 2: Heck Yeah
votes: 2
Option 3: I Dont Know
votes: 2
Option 4: Am Confused
votes: 1
Option 5: I Don't Belive In This BullShit
votes: 8
some ppl r saying that 2012 is doom day and they r saying that the orcales saied that!
wtf is an orcale!
the ppl say that the orcale r the ppl who talk with gods!
what gods!
there is only 1 god not gods
thats bullsh*t
and if any 1 have any comment post it here.
If you look back over the years people say that the world would of ended in 2000, 2006, and 2012. To me it is just a normal six year routine that these morons do to get on the news, but 2012 the movie is good. :D
I never really cared. I'd be more disturbed if the world ended because of us or some ancient prediction.
If that's the reason, mankind's really a huge joke.
Quote from: lollol on December 01, 2009, 06:43:40 PM
wtf is an orcale!
the ppl say that the orcale r the ppl who talk with gods!
what gods!
there is only 1 god not gods
an oracle is someone who talks to the greek gods
and you say that there is only one god. i myself believe in that one god religion wise but how do we know that there aren't more than one? or none at all? the fact of the matter is we don't know.
2012 was 'predicted' by the mayans, how do we know they didnt run out of calander space? or had to put a vacation date on one of the months and forgot to continue? or they knew that nobody f*****g cares!? or they didnt feel like doing that for another 1000 years? or that they thought mankind would be dead long before that and thought it would be pointless to continue with that?
The world can end as long as i can still play worldscape ;) :P
Quote from: banjo hick on December 01, 2009, 07:47:49 PM
2012 was 'predicted' by the mayans, how do we know they didnt run out of calander space? or had to put a vacation date on one of the months and forgot to continue? or they knew that nobody f*****g cares!? or they didnt feel like doing that for another 1000 years? or that they thought mankind would be dead long before that and thought it would be pointless to continue with that?
Another possibility is that they thought that their empire would have collapsed by the time 2012 arrived, not knowing that Europeans would try to kill most of them off, and collapse all the empires they knew...
this f****g video made me even more madder
Link To Video:
and this 1 too man it have all the right things that will really happen exept 2 things or 1 things,thats just so crazy dude really crazy
Only god knows when it's the last day of life.
i am worried about that...
i don't wanna think about it..but in islam which the religion i belive in...
there are some marks didn't apeared yet...but...
some did
any way the one and only 1 god knows the time of that day.
which no body on the earth or any thing knows about it.
i am really worried about it and don't wanna think about it even...
Quote from: Mute on December 02, 2009, 11:16:58 AM
According to Aztec ledgend, the 5th age of humans will end on 22nd of December 2012, by endless earthquakes swallowing us up.
which i think is a load of bullshit.
and mute...no one knows what's the time which the end of people..
and 50 cent said:
Quote from: 50cent on December 02, 2009, 06:22:36 AM
Only god knows when it's the last day of life.
amr is right.
In my Opinion i don't belive in this.. :-\
But i do Belive that man kind will destroy it self.
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I don't believe this but it might because of a giant outbreak of some mutated type of swine flu if it does happen.
From what I got from books and the internet, the real Aztec's down in Mexico or South America, actully say that the world will not end in 2012 it just a load of BS! It was just made up by the liberal press. ;)
Quote from: Sir Tor on December 02, 2009, 08:02:02 PM
From what I got from books and the internet, the real Aztec's down in Mexico or South America, actully say that the world will not end in 2012 it just a load of BS! It was just made up by the liberal press. ;)
The Aztecs died out long ago, they didn't exactly have liberal press back then. Also scientists say that there is supposed to be a solar flare towards December 18th and it will completely destroy planets 1-4 which is Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Earth is due to end at about 9 pm on the 22nd of December. The solar flare will also create large explosions all over Jupiter and Jupiter is supposed to ignite and become a second sun because of the large amount of gasses that are also found on the sun.
I don't belive 2012 is the end, I'm not saying nothing like what is said in the movies can't happen, but I don't think its all going to happen in 2012.
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dude the movie says that they r going to run of it i guss,but from my point you can never run of it even if it wasnt 2012 u just cant run from it it gonna get ya!
and like joker saied i am acctually a muslim and some marks came and some didnt,Thats the thing that is making me a lil bit confertable and not worried but am worried of this marks came in 2012!this is the prob :-\
Nicest Regards
It's true that in 2011-2012 Some Proplems will happen like Lots of EarthQuakes and Cracks in ground but It's not the end of the life..Only some places will have this things like Tsunami and Earthquakes and Volcanoes errupt, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
yeah but who knows amr,who knows? :-\
Nicest Regards
Night Watcher
Have you guys seen the movie "Knowing" the guy from national treasure is in it.
No one really knows if the world will end in 2012, but if it does I might be a little pissed off. 4 years of high school for nothing.
damn, I'm graduating highschool in 2014 so... yeah I have the easiest math classes and I have the easiest social studies left (maybe)
I think...
Cause of the Global Warming Problems that might effect it, it'll burn the earth?
That would be interesting.
intresting ??? ??? ??? :o
dude u gonna think it's real intristing when in your grave yard when your owned by that global warming :D
Best Regards
Night Watcher
Well the humans that supposedly are going to die in 2012 won't be buried.
Of course the theory just happens to be that the world ends on my birthday of my high school graduation year...
lol, sucks for you!
Not really, Personally i don't believe in god, But it's the way humans are changing the world, That's how the apocalypses will happen, Ever think we weren't supposed to know all we know? Well..That is what i think, " God " has nothing to do with it i think.
No it's not there have been many other dates predicted to be "doomsday" that weren't. What makes 2012 special?
The Thing That Kind Of Made Me Belive That That It Was Freaking Soon But Now Am Not Intreasted And I Forgot About This,So Can Please A Mod Or Admin Close This Topic ??
Best Regards
Night Watcher