do gingers really not have a soul?
a ginger is someone with orange hair, freckles in the shape of goggles around their eyes, and very pail skinned.
South Park? lol that came out in South Park!
but is it true?
Obviously not. Was it true when Oprah's * held everyone hostage with a gun? Or is it true when you score a million points on a song in Guitar Hero that it says on the screen "Congratulations! You are f*gs!"
Everyone has a soul, lol.
If you believed everything that happens in South Park the world would be a very strange place. :D
my ginger friend said he wasnt sure if he had a soul
and also, i havent seen the guitar hero episode yet, is it funny?
thanks! ily bill, everyvody does though
omg there was one in my 4th grade class she's irish though a lot of irish people are freckled and heve orangish red hair
there is a town named ginger! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
all the little gingers live in ginger! ahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahha!!
I like shooting things!!! they should make a game called shooting ginrger
i will submit that to someone and they will make the game.... and i will take all the credit! it will be named attack of the gingers!!!
Who's your favorite character on South Park. ( Butters!~ )
butters is a f*g he deserves to die, i would have to say... butters!
~ Guy's i don't want to get grounded again...~ quote from Butters.
butters is a p***y! yeah hes a puppy...
He is lol...He need's to grow a pair and be a Adventurous and Party like meh and JEREMY & TRINIBOY!
me and trini party! not you trini and jeremy! me and trini and chaos and berserker and mooshu and zaaa!
Bring it, I AM A PARTY ANIMAL <3!~
bring what? i didnt issue a challenge...
I did.
que? when was this? and what is the challenge? and when? and who why and were?
Ok, We're getting off topic, Let's stay on topic lol before Brianna yells. :o