I was on my laptop then i was told we're going to cousins, so i packed it up but i left it on, and i remember what the laptop would do if i closed the lid, "Do nothing". So it was on left it in the bag. went and stayed for about 2 hours.
came back then i coulda sworn I smelt something smoking.
I checked my laptop, it was on!!! Then I took it out, and hell it burnt my hands when i touched it and when I opened the lid, i could see at the bottom left part of the screen was all burnt black. i was like ohh shit..
then i took the battery off cuz it was running on the battery. and took my sister's fan and put it on my laptop to cool it off, but it did nothing so i went to da living room where theres an air con and but my laptop where the air con is cooling for about 20 minutes then i checked the laptop, connect the power socket cuz the battery was hell low cuz it was running on bat. and turn it on, the burnt part of the screen was all clean (the bottom left part) and jeez, I sworn "**** yeah!!!"
So... yeah, dont leave laptop inside cases while on, i can ensure u if it was there for another 20 minute, the house would burn lol.
Rofl luckyy!!
I just got a new computer also.
You think thats bad. i left my laptop next to my fireplace still on closed the case and zipped it left for hour and a half came back and the bag looked funny i opened it and guess whos laptop dont work anymore?
this is just tooo funny!
Well my laptop is freaking great so that would never happen. I always keep my laptop on. I suggest buying a new one.
SUCKA!!!! my labtops have a battery but the battery can only hold .1% of what it used to because of something in dont know about, but when i move the labtop slightly my power cord comes out and the labtop remains on for a bout 3-4 seconds, i just happened to do this while typing a paper, i refused to type it again and got grounded and failed the assignment
Lol, Thanks for the tip. ::)
I got a new laptop, one of them ones that can withstand alot. guess who tested that one out? guess whos laptop still works?
Get a Macbook you never need to turn them off.