Hey everyone, I've been looking through lots of posts, and I'm seeing a whole lot of spam, so I'm here to show you what is and isn't spam. One word posts aren't acceptable, unless in a Forum Game that is deamed to only have a few words in it. In all other boards, it's virtually unacepptable. It's not a very good idea to just come in and say something like; "Hi" "Hello" "Lol" ect. It's really annoying to everyone. So, instead of doing that, why don't you say, "Hello, (say something relavant to the topic)." It is not acceptable to say something like, "Hello, (something irrelivant to the topic)". That would be dealt as SPAM. Spam is always unacceptable, no matter where, no matter when. You will usually just get a note saying on your post not to, but depending on how much you did and what you said and can result in a mute, or worse.
Excessive posting is not tolerated. I've seen in some cases, triple posting, and many double posts. Most of these have been warned, some haven't. So people just go on and do it. DON'T DO IT. It's almost always spam. Either don't say it, or just edit your first post.
some people think that if you make a topic, you own it and can make your rules. And in some clans, like no spamming, no teaming, ect. It's fine. But in others they say "some swearing aloud". This is one of this first posts I've ever read when I had first register. That's not the case. Swearing In-Game is now accepted, when not directed at someone. But as far as the Forums go, that isn't the case. You, unless posting in the Poems section, or board, or in your signature, may not swear.(as far as I know). To all newcomers, if you've read so far, making posts that are inappropriat are never accepted. Never, ever will you see yourself staying with this server if you abuse, and neglect the Rules of this server. Never, break the rules or you'll either, get a mute, warning, ban, or IP Ban. An IP ban bans you, and all your accounts. (Depending on the degree of your offence it may continue into your in-game accounts). So please, could you all stop doing stupid things, it's getting to annoying to just let pass by.
These are my thoughts and my thoughts only. If an AGF member would like to agree, they obviously can. Posts are welcomed. And if you do any of these things I just said on here ON THIS POST, you honestly deserve to be banned.
well, Jack7 swearing is allowed to some degree on other forums I have seen many posts with swears like Da** and a** and they have not been bannede at least that I know of
Quote from: HotMax123 on November 07, 2009, 09:51:08 AM
well, Jack7 swearing is allowed to some degree on other forums I have seen many posts with swears like Da** and a** and they have not been bannede at least that I know of
first of all he isnt jack7 he is serguy3, and second this is all covered in forum rules
oh sorry jeez I know your name is jack so