so I was walkin home from shcool with my friend the awesome ~JIMMY~ well anyway i saw this bully named beatrice she's huge, fat, and 4 inches taller than me because of her fat head!! lol XD. and well by the way she's got problems she's a year younger than me but she is still a big idiot so and they let her in our grade because she beat up everone in her grade at her old school it was 1st grade! so anyway I felt like just finally sayin' it " you fat ass dork!!!" i called her then she walks up to me and grabs my neck chokes me then gives me an atomic noogie and I got out by elbowing her in the stomach. then this lady walked up and yelled "hey!!!!!" then I called beatrice an ass HOLE!! then the thady yelled hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but wayyyy louder then Jimmy and I ran for our friken lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so anyway I really wish i could kick her ass so bad but i dont hit girls wel even though i dont even classify her as a person.
If it isn't a girl I don't see the problem. ;)
Quote from: HotMax123 on September 19, 2009, 06:45:48 PM
and they let her in our grade because she beat up everone in her grade at her old school it was 1st grade
Either that's true or she got held back and is bitter about it.
I believe it's the latter.
ive got a load of female mates that do hat sorta stuff like if i get stated on by a girl they deal with it then the next day she comes up to me and says sorry
and if its a lad and ur about the same size just headbutt them (im not trying to encourage violance here) it will either break their nose and knock them out or just hit them and run like the wind 8) 8) ;D
You should stake her house out an go to her house on the day nobody ishome and brake her house door down and leave and hide an wait for them to get home and enjoy the look on there face, do the same thing 2 or 3 time there going to freak when the door is broken in and nothing is missing.
or just egg her house.
I went ahead and just cleared this thread of all spam-related posts.
Let's try to stay on-topic and not wonder too far from the true relevancy of the discussion at hand.
Thanks! Happy posting!
thanks jeremy.
I, Classify her as a Bandos Boss Lolz!
Nicest Reguards,
Jack7. :)
Quote from: Jack7 on October 02, 2009, 01:59:53 AM
I, Classify her as a Bandos Boss the big fatty Lolz!
Nicest Reguards,
Jack7. :)
Jack7 that's not nice at all sorry to say but that is messed up.
What I have to say is ignore her. But no one listens everyone is just "let's be mean and beat up them and call them names" well whatever I say ignore her.
wat is it with you guys i mean stop arguing this was a topic meant to tell a story If you keep argueing I'll ask bill to lok this i he allows it srry
max I'm not trying to argue anything if it sounds like I am then I'm sorry. But anyways how's the problem going is she sitll picking on you or what.
If this is true, just tell an adult, man. That's all you should do. Nothing more. Tell an adult or a teacher about your problem with her. Handing it any other way is the wrong way.
Quote from: Bill on October 06, 2009, 11:00:58 PM
If this is true, just tell an adult, man. That's all you should do. Nothing more. Tell an adult or a teacher about your problem with her. Handing it any other way is the wrong way.
Dude totally agree with you, tell a teacher or parent that is your best bet.
yeah thanks dude
Lmao Hotmax. I can't wait till your next fight you get into her with, tell me who wins. ::)
Bro, It's a girl..Just ignore her lol..
Egg or Tea Pee her house. lol ;D :D ;) :) ::) :P
Hey i had a simular problem with this kid named Russ (Wierd name right?). And he had shot my little brother (5 years old) will he was riding on his bike. Thats when i decided that was it. so me and my friend zach jolly ranched his house. For those who does not know what that is when you like a jolly rancher and stick it to their window. So the next morning his dad saw it and tried to pull it off. The window shattered. He is still grounded today. We did it a month ago. I dont recomend doing this but i dont think a 11 year old shoud pick on a 5 year old. So if it gets bad enough i say DO IT!!!!
Have fun.
Well listen, I'm in college and studying psychology, And sometimes say a girl is picking on you, or something in that range, That usually means they like you, I hope that helps.