Self explanatory.
give you rating:
i would say im 7/10
I would say I'm pobably 10\10.
This game fails..
0/10 wait wait how famous? psshhh i'm so famous my ranking wouldn't even fit on the 1-10 scale.
i'm like 6/10 - 10/10
-9192323 / 10
or in your terms 1 /10
Well about a several months ago 8/10 Now, it'll be who the heck is this guy? Plus the fact i'm banned anyway for some bs reason meaning no reason whatsoever.
Idk, probably 5/10.
i would say i am an.........infinitly small number/10 ??? ??? ???
I have no idea, why don't you guys tell me? And K0ed... full of yourself much?
um... probably 10/10
Quote from: Volcanic Me on September 24, 2009, 10:54:24 PM
I have no idea, why don't you guys tell me? And K0ed... full of yourself much?
and volcanic.......flamed me much?
5/10 for me probably
~Monkeyfart34, now a MITHRIL poster
this is the worst game ever..
(No Offense.)
Remove this post please, was quoting :P
Quote from: Banana boy on October 15, 2009, 02:56:22 AM
this is the worst game ever..
(No Offense.)
Then leave or get out? =/
~Monkeyfart34, now a
MITHRIL poster
i now rate my self a 8/10.
I'm probably a 2/10 or something. ::)
I would rank me: 4/10
-2/10. Haven't actually "played" in about a month. :P
10/10 fools.
9/10 alot of dudes know me lol
im a 14.324/10
this game (sucks)
Well How Famous am i? you guys tell me.
i whould like to make ma self 10/10 ;D am so famous right ??haa right ?
10/10 for me, And Oscar would be 10/10.
i have not been on lately so i am down to a 12/10
I would rank me again 6/10
Well some people are mad at me for getting dragon core in my clan so I'm about 8/10 now..
About 0\10.
Quote from: Zack1 on November 20, 2009, 06:09:59 PM
About 0\10.
Lol, No Your not Zack your kind of famous i rate you like 7/10
(Sorry If That's Spammin)
Best Regards
Night Watcher
I gues 10/10. Let the people say.. ;)
Indeed ;)
Best Regards
Night Watcher
I think I'm back up to 10/10...And cappy your 10/10 as well.
Mage Omri
2/10 I'd say.
Tanner don't be a fool, Your like 100k/10.
over 9000/10.
Well, least I beat Ryan :o
I said over 9000. There are many numbers over 9000, Delicious.
That's true. Ryan wins!!!!! I would say that I have improved myself in popularity.... I am now over how high Ryan may or may not be so therefor I win!!!!
Banjo, you are now over 10000/10.
Yes I know. Even more so now because Chaos recognized me as a real pker. FTMFW
Quote from: Banjo Hick on December 15, 2009, 12:30:16 AM
Yes I know. Even more so now because Chaos recognized me as a real pker. FTMFW
I though we are trough this. If you want to be still respected by dz, get me out of your f*cking signature. I ain't joking idiot. >:(
Cappy calm down, And Banjo did advance in his skill's, Which we're all happy for him...But Oscar said that because he wasn't on in a while and he said you look like a " Pker " Because last time he saw you you were like a lvl 134 and your 149 now.
Well I would have to be a 9.9/10 now because people just walk up to me and say hi. I have no idea who they are, I think they are trying to become friends with me because of my level =\ (151)
Mine would be 9 or 10/10 if i didn't quit for a month
Gotta make a name for yourself boy!!!
Well, I think I'm about a 6/10.
I've lowered in the last few days so I'm only a 12/10
0/10 haven't been on in months.
Why don't you go on?
4/10. I'm working my way up.
OVER 1.6m/10 higher than ryan ::)
well we all know that deelicious beats out ryan by like 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 points!!!! lol DELICIOUS ROCKS!!!!
Quote from: HotMax123 on January 05, 2010, 08:17:14 PM
well we all know that deelicious beats out ryan by like 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 points!!!! lol DELICIOUS ROCKS!!!!
Ooo Ryan, get owned. In the face. Ouch. Ily <3
Quote from: Delicious on January 12, 2010, 07:55:28 PM
Quote from: HotMax123 on January 05, 2010, 08:17:14 PM
well we all know that deelicious beats out ryan by like 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 points!!!! lol DELICIOUS ROCKS!!!!
Ooo Ryan, get owned. In the face. Ouch. Ily <3
I'm as famous as my brothers big toe.
Not famous AT ALL. :-\
More Famous then Jeremy and Ryan combined.
Q=PxT *(54xjsw0u938yhuoer)= 23404925427091 X PI. That much.
9 / 10 On Louis
10 / 10 On Jackg
3 / 10 On My Bank Full Account (No-one knows his Name Only My very Good Friends)
I guess...
Or really, 9/10.
8/10 or a 7/10 :D.
I'd rate my self about, A 8/10 or a 9/10.
Little Bio:
I've been playing for a really long time. This is my newest (;u=9859) forum account. This is my old (;u=1582) forum account. Alot of people know me beause i've played for 4 years, I'm well known and i'm very rich.
Quote from: Program on April 15, 2010, 10:18:37 PM
'Cause I'm that cool 8)
So that means you are
ABOUT 3/10? ROFL, because that means you aren't famous in-game. I guess that's true... :-)
Considering i run a clan,and mooshu knew me before he was a mod ;) plus i'm fleathy rich,i'm forced to say 10/10
About 7\10.
Well seeing as I'm IP-banned again, although I really shouldn't be (this time), I am currently at a 0/43
this game fail very boring all will telll 10/10 bec no one know how famous r he
69/69 :o
Quote from: dieknowsawr on May 15, 2010, 11:01:35 AM
Quote from: Jeremy on May 14, 2010, 01:30:01 AM
69/69 :o
More like. 1000/1000. Duhh.
1000/1000 on the scale of how gay he is hahaha <3 No offence bro, one love.
i'd say 0-1/10 started today :P
I think im pretty well known in worldscape.
I've helped alot of people in the past and have made a variety of friends. :)
I think i would have to give myself an 9/10.
If anyone need's help, im here. ;)
How famous I am...
How many players know my name? ~650/40,000?
How many in every 10 players think I'm a noob? ~9/10.
How many players congratulated me when I got mod? ~14 in the first 2 weeks?
How many PMs I get on average when I first log on? 7 in 2 minutes.
How many people have asked me to be unmuted? Rofl. All of them.
How famous am I in-game? N/10.
I find the question impossible to answer. ;D
Quote from: Coleshot1 on May 16, 2010, 01:34:11 AM
How many people have asked me to be unmuted? Rofl. All of them.*
*Incorrect. I have never once asked to be unmuted. ;)
Well, i guess i am 6/10 because i'm a big noob. :o
so... infinity/10 for me? idk that sounds a bit showy ::)
ler alerrr ler lerr
ler hey ryan quit spamming ??? :-\
im not selfish and i dont brag so i say about a 4/10
uhm, 10000000/10? I think that sounds about right. ;)
You tell me :) if you lie i'll break you :o
Quote from: Chaoslancex on August 19, 2010, 03:17:04 AM
You tell me :) if you lie i'll break you :o
5/10 lmao joked i think your very famous 10/10
I'd say about 5/10.
I'm Probably like ∞/10 8) (Aka 10/10)