~~~sale start~~~
rouge top-850mil
bearhead-pretty rare, 1.5bil
anger mace-2bil
anger sword-2bil
black plate and legs (g)-500mil for 1 1bil for both
black cav-400mil
sara and zammy-400mil for 1
green and red marionette-350mil for 1
infinity top,bottom x3,and boots-1bil for all or 250mil for 1
bug light lantern x5-100mil for 1
obsidian cape x5-130mil for 1
obby shield- 160mil for 1
jade machete-100mil
bone club-150mil
chicken wacker thing-850mil
if you would like to use money or items please leave a comment.
ill buy your anger mace im thehate thanks bye
i buy ur rogue top for 1b.
more than u ask!
add me
trlo k0
i buy ur anger mace for infinity boots 2 archer helms black full helm black platelegs black kiteshield (g) and full gold mystic full bleu mystic and some black mystic
hi i would like to buy bearhead thing 1.5b items!! i offer:
desert boots
red gloves
10k adam g helms
1k black g kites
and wizzy g hat and top robe
find me in-game, drunk mario
~drunk mario~