Do you hate, or love school?
Option 1: Love it.
votes: 0
Option 2: Hate it.
votes: 5
Option 3: In-between.
votes: 7
Well, it's that time of the year, again. School, the most dreaded place in the world, if it weren't for the time in P.E. I'm sure most of us would grab a lap-top and play some worldscape, but the teachers aren't blind yet from staring at the same wall all summer. :P You guys hate school, or do you love it?
I'm out of school f00l muahahaha.
But i did like school i got to see my friends it was chill.
Whether I like school or not depends when you ask me... beginning of the summer break: "OH MY GAWD, school is finally out!". End of summer break: "When does school start back up? I'm bored..." Winter: "Eh, I really don't care."
It all depends on when you ask. :P
i hate school lol
Last year I hated school with a passion. But this year the teachers seem a lot more laid back, I think they just hated freshmen :P.
I chose in-between. I mean come on, no one can HATE school. Honestly? Whether or not you hate school, it's a part of your childhood and your life and that's where everything happens; you meet and make friends, learn to grow with people, and learn in general. Yeah, I can't believe me out of all people is backing up school, but hating school and everything about it is like hating your childhood and almost like hating yourself. :-\
If I misunderstood one of the things the school superintendents said, They want the students to feel free and want to be in the school environment and to enjoy it, not hate it.
I know this isn't much of my opinion but for those who care to think about.
I go to school to chill and hang. other then that...BOOOO!
When you get to college, you'll definitely change your thoughts on school.
You get to have quite a bit of free time.
I honestly don't mind school right now, teachers don't seem to hate Juniors, and plus, I have English, Band, Anatomy, and Peer Mentoring/Tutoring with this girl I like... :-)
I do good in school but I don't exactly 'enjoy' it. :(
Some classes are fun though! I'm also taking a Java class this year. :o
But right now this is only my 4th day of school, and we have been loaded with homework. I've been up past 1AM just finishing my homework... plus I don't have any study halls, or P.E since its only for freshmen. :'(
We have to do P.E. as Sophomores. I have it next semester, this semester's schedule is pretty boring for me though. Biology, Global Issues, Integrated Mathematics 2 Honors, Spanish 4 Honors.