hey Everyone
I recently had a party for me and 1 of cousin, it was AWESOME!!!
It was on a school day, Friday. (My Dad lets me stay out of school for the day)
I had some early presents like $100 bucks from my dad, $50 from my cousin i was telling you a about. $200 worth of stuff from my EPIC Sister.
- A G-Star RAW Hat ($60)
- Jeans $90.
- shirt $50.
ALSO!!! (Thanks chaos) I forgot! Laptop $1400!!!!
My sister took me to a place where I could have a party with 2 of her friends and we start having fun, i was playing pin-bowling, i was just grabbing 2 balls and cheating, throwing them in the 10,000 points slot, and i got like 60 points = 30 ticket or something when we got rewards, i was just grabbing stuff, the dude didn't care, also this guy gave me like 300 tickets for free, nice guy...
then home, cake, everyone gone, me sleeping, me posting this, me submitting this, me waiting for comments....
Well, it's nice to see that you had fun. By the way, my calculation shows that, your clothes costed exactly $200.00 ;D
~ Kevin.