By Spyware Appleblue 32.mal.
I got this message last Friday, and the next day I couldn't even turn my computer on without getting about 30-50 pop-ups as soon as i turn it on asking me to download stuff, i'm the 10,000th Visitor, etc.
I took my desktop computer in, and they said it should be ready by Wednesday or Thursday of this week.
Sorry to all that missed me while I wasn't on, the laptop i'm on right now has a graphics chip so bad that i cannot even play runescape, let alone Worldscape.
Yea the main server thats runs the site/MySQL/Login Server and the WS World 1 server are both Windows XP >:(, so I had to -cough-obtain-cough- a 10 year subscription to Norton Antivirus 2007 just to stay Virus free. Even then Win32.Licum keeps popping up around my Network. :-X
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you James. :'(
However, glad to see that your back,
Your friend, (and sometimes fan. ::))
Yep, I just got my computer back today 8).
I'll now be able to play worldscape, but I have to re-download EVERYTHING :o.
Hopefully the download process won't take long. ::)
I know that downloading Worldscape never took me more then ten minutes. Anyway, glad to have you back James.
Your friend,
Glad to have you back James... We have to catch up dude! Long time since we've talked XD Hope too see you. ~Chris
Yes, I have everything re-downloaded, but sadly, I won't be able to be in-game until July, I'm afraid.
On the 25th of June, I'll be going on Vacation to see some folks of mine in Kentucky for the rest of the summer.
But, I'll still be online, as of course they have computers ::).
I will be on the forums though, and if you need anything, feel free to send me a message.
Hope you have a good time!
I could never go away from my house for the whole summer!!! Hope you have a really, really good time, and I'll be glad to see you when you get back James!
~Chris :D
I'd hate to download everything in my computer. Never mind that.
Welcome back and I look forward to seeing you in-game July. July Is one of my favorite months, It involves a few birthdays including mine, fourth of July, and just plane fun! Once again glad to have you back. :)
the same thing happened to me onces i was fool enough to install a "vista theme" to my comp then my despokt screen changed and millions of things will pop the internet would auto pop out whit things to download
Yea I gave up on having a copy of Windows that didn't eventually break, I've reinstalled on the main computer about 4 times so far. ::)
yea happned 2 me for 6mouths my internet die i could not connect in the end i formated all my comp lol
ya happend to me also but only lasted like 10 hours, my dad blamed it on me lol then i told him i fixed it and it worked,