pic 1 ;)
pic 2 ;)
pic 3 ;)
pic 4 ;)
pic 5 ;)
They cool really cool ;D. Next time I would suggest you upload at tinypic.com, because you would be able to keep it all neat and in all one post.
hey guys just 1 i was playing with the background effects :S =]
ok the next 2 (+ this 1) are the intros iv done so far :S
2 :S let me know what you think =]
3 =] :S
a banner by my awsome bro for filming the furtre footage =] ~clark~
just one i made qucik to play about thith the borders inspired by -timo- (noob slayah) =] ...., im posting every one i do so it gives every one an idea of that i can add ..., because im not sure if i said it yet but im taking requests.., just ask me on world-scape -twin pk3r- =]
hey erm oscar this 1 took me some time because i dident have most of the items for the costume in the left so it took me a while to edit :S but i thought id post it for you anyway
hey if any-one would like me to make them one please send me a message in w.s -cj- and let me know how youd like it and sutch
nice banners! Looks like you put alot of effort.
thanks man =] it takes some time but i love doing em with is why im takeing requests but i guesse no one wants the done lol :-\
Cj, these are pretty good but upload them to tinypic or photobucket and place all of the pictures in 1 post.
new banner for my old account :-\ lol ironic ;D
random pic's of deathzone
meh..., just made something i thoght would look nice with a pretty cool motto "warriors live forever"
yet another banner by my bro -.-'
mitchel nice banners and people sorry about the video i am stil trying to fix what ever the problem is??