In-Game Username: Kevin711.
Reason for this topic: It's my birthday.
Why did you post it?: Because I felt like it.
Are you happy?: Yes.
Do you want presents?: Yes, but if your to nooby to give me somefin, then bite me. :D
Date of Birth?: 8/18/1994.
How old are you now?: 15 Foo!
Any comments?: Bite me. :D
Have a nice day...: I will do my best m8.
~ Kevin
mucho gratz m8 enjoy your day. :D :)
Happeh B-deh! ;D! Anddd manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy moreeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Thanks mates. So, uh... Where the fudge waffles are my presents? :'( Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
~ Kevin
Happy birthday ;D
Happy Birthday ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
happy birthday
~ Kevin.