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Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: HotMax123 on August 08, 2009, 01:46:56 AM

Title: share your scary ghost stories here and look at my ghost problem!
Post by: HotMax123 on August 08, 2009, 01:46:56 AM
ok so um yeah i have a problem on m hands a scary one.
so like evertime i go to bed i feel like somone is watchin me and i don't know what it is!!!! I'm an insomniac so i am a light sleeper and it's hard for me to sleep, also i always wake up at abot 230 am which is the middle of dead time (supposedly when ghosts are most active), and i have very bad dreams sometimes, very bad :o. i also get the scariest feeling while i'm alone. and this thing has been following me in my old house in pennsylvania ( which i wish i still lived in ) when ever it rained the chairs on our patio  would stack themselves!!!!! and once i was looking out the window when it rained to see if the chairs where staked they were'nt so i kept watching them and a flash of light ning happened and suddenly and insataniously they where stacked!! and once when i was upstairs on the computer my mom was doing laundry then bang!!!! we here this huge sound which was enourmously loud we ran downstairs and my frog  hopper ball was in the kitchen instead of the living room and the gas was on in the stove  so i am so dang freaked out guys write back if you know how 2 fix this.
Title: Deleted
Post by: axisofaj on September 04, 2009, 08:23:27 AM
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: mumups on September 04, 2009, 04:06:12 PM
Go Get a priest to throw holy water everywhere and then it will go.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Zack on September 04, 2009, 10:25:54 PM
I have a simple solution. Go to your doctor and he will most likely prescribe some sort of sleep aid. :P
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ
Post by: Ry60003333 on September 05, 2009, 12:23:31 AM
Quote from: Zack on September 04, 2009, 10:25:54 PM
I have a simple solution. Go to your doctor and he will most likely prescribe some sort of sleep aid. :P
This is what I need. I have the weirdest dreams in the world. They aren't nightmares of anything, there just really random.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ
Post by: yeeyee123 on September 05, 2009, 03:43:15 AM

Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 06, 2009, 09:31:38 AM
and yesterday the lights turned on and off by temselves and with the medicine response i'm 10 and ther'es no sleep crap for me. duh
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ
Post by: Bill on September 06, 2009, 03:15:18 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on September 05, 2009, 12:23:31 AM
Quote from: Zack on September 04, 2009, 10:25:54 PM
I have a simple solution. Go to your doctor and he will most likely prescribe some sort of sleep aid. :P
This is what I need. I have the weirdest dreams in the world. They aren't nightmares of anything, there just really random.

I have the most weird dreams too; 70% of them probably not appropriate for the forums. X.X

I only have dreams though during the day. Like, I'll never have dreams over night but if I fall asleep at like 1 PM and later, I'll have the most weird dreams.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Triniboy on September 08, 2009, 04:32:00 PM
Well I think its like when your sleeping, Your brain is more active or in use, than if you were awake. Something I heard on the TV about brain waves and frequency.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Jeremy on September 09, 2009, 01:55:51 PM
Quote from: TriniBoy on September 08, 2009, 04:32:00 PM
Well I think its like when your sleeping, Your brain is more active or in use, than if you were awake. Something I heard on the TV about brain waves and frequency.

You dang smart! xD
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Bill on September 09, 2009, 03:19:30 PM
But anyways,

Quote from: HotMax123 on August 08, 2009, 01:46:56 AM
ok so um yeah i have a problem on m hands a scary one.
so like evertime i go to bed i feel like somone is watchin me and i don't know what it is!!!! I'm an insomniac so i am a light sleeper and it's hard for me to sleep, also i always wake up at abot 230 am which is the middle of dead time (supposedly when ghosts are most active), and i have very bad dreams sometimes, very bad :o. i also get the scariest feeling while i'm alone. and this thing has been following me in my old house in pennsylvania ( which i wish i still lived in ) when ever it rained the chairs on our patio  would stack themselves!!!!! and once i was looking out the window when it rained to see if the chairs where staked they were'nt so i kept watching them and a flash of light ning happened and suddenly and insataniously they where stacked!! and once when i was upstairs on the computer my mom was doing laundry then bang!!!! we here this huge sound which was enourmously loud we ran downstairs and my frog  hopper ball was in the kitchen instead of the living room and the gas was on in the stove  so i am so dang freaked out guys write back if you know how 2 fix this.

Sounds like a personal problem if you ask me. O.O
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: God Colin on September 14, 2009, 06:48:24 PM
Solution 1. Go to church!
Solution 2. Have the house blessed by a preist
Solution 3. Throw holy water everywhere and yell "get out of my house."
Solution 4. Run like hell.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ
Post by: Ry60003333 on September 14, 2009, 06:53:06 PM
Quote from: Bill on September 06, 2009, 03:15:18 PM
I have the most weird dreams too; 70% of them probably not appropriate for the forums. X.X

I only have dreams though during the day. Like, I'll never have dreams over night but if I fall asleep at like 1 PM and later, I'll have the most weird dreams.
Yeah like I don't dream on nights where I have school the next day, but on weekends if I sleep in like after 9 or so I have weird dreams. :P
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ
Post by: God Colin on September 14, 2009, 06:56:34 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on September 14, 2009, 06:53:06 PM
Quote from: Bill on September 06, 2009, 03:15:18 PM
I have the most weird dreams too; 70% of them probably not appropriate for the forums. X.X

I only have dreams though during the day. Like, I'll never have dreams over night but if I fall asleep at like 1 PM and later, I'll have the most weird dreams.
Yeah like I don't dream on nights where I have school the next day, but on weekends if I sleep in like after 9 or so I have weird dreams. :P
Ever had a dream where you feel like your just falling for ever then all of a sudden you see white and wham you wake up?
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: ddsbarrageKO on September 14, 2009, 07:24:26 PM
1. crosses lots of them
2. seals all doors with holywater.
3. dont watch scary movies.
lol and dont worry that one thing that gos bump in the night is me and its just cause i cant see XP
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Zack on September 14, 2009, 08:42:34 PM
Sometimes I will have a really weird dream, then about 2 weeks later it will happen in real life. It really trips me out. :o
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: God Colin on September 14, 2009, 08:48:43 PM
Quote from: Zack on September 14, 2009, 08:42:34 PM
Sometimes I will have a really weird dream, then about 2 weeks later it will happen in real life. It really trips me out. :o
No Way! Me 2!
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: ddsbarrageKO on September 14, 2009, 09:00:51 PM
wow thats freaky. its happened to me but i dont think about that kinda stuff
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: kxdk on September 14, 2009, 11:03:43 PM
I've had a dream when i went to sleep i was on the couch and the dream was about playing a computer (yeah I don't know), but when i woke up i was sitting at my computer, on and everything. Before I fell asleep i shut it off and i didn't wake up that ngiht at all this was a bit weird to me.

Also, sometimes I feel i'm being watched, I don't know why but sometimes in some situations I do like the past week when i went to sleep in my bed idk why, but i thought someone was under my bed about to snap a thing in your leg that can make you not ever be able to walk again.

And last night when I went to bed I (like some people who believe in ghost about to gust of cold air) my ceiling fan and fan and air conditioner we're all turning off, cover on ready to go to sleep and I felt a that weird gust of air and that night I felt the same thing when I woke up, everything still off.

Some of you may think of this as aww man your just delutional or whatever but some weird things in this world happen to the better of us.
Just because you havn't ever seen, felt, or even haerd of these things please do not reply to my comment if your going to flame.,2818.msg20142.html#new

^^ My story of "Forest Ghost" read it if you must, but some things in this world aren't normal even if you think "ghost aren't real." Some people do and I am one of them that believe in them.

Thank you for reading this reply if you must just pleast do not flame me about this just send me a message.

Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: ddsbarrageKO on September 14, 2009, 11:27:53 PM
thats odd i would solve this be sleeping with a gun under the pillow. seeing as my family is all military guns are good to keep us safe ^-^
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Bill on September 15, 2009, 12:11:15 AM
Quote from: kxdk on September 14, 2009, 11:03:43 PM
And last night when I went to bed I (like some people who believe in ghost about to gust of cold air) my ceiling fan and fan and air conditioner we're all turning off, cover on read to go to sleep and I felt a that weird gust of air and that night I felt the same thing when i woke up, everything still off.

Dude.... You know what's weird? When you're laying in bed, all fans off and everything, all windows shut, and you're looking at your curtain on your window then you just see it blow open as if wind from outside blew it open. At first you don't think about it. Like, I really didn't think about it, then like two minutes later I thought "wait... That window is shut, so how did that curtain move?"

Also, when you're laying in bed or something, then you just randomly hear someone yell your name just once..

While we're on the subjects of ghosts, (we are now) one morning my sister and I were in my sister's car and we were just about to leave for school. It was 7AM, in the middle of winter and there was snow on the ground. She starts to pull out of the driveway and we were arguing and screaming at each other like usual, then I said and quote "Woah woah woah stop talking a sec... Who the hell is that?" my sister says "Who?" and I said "Over there... Why the hell is there a girl standing in our front yard?" the girl had a pink winter coat on with a scarf wrapped around her neck with gloves and boots on. Now keep this in mind; it's 7 in the morning... In the middle of winter, and there's a girl that appears to be 6 or 7 just standing in our front yard waving to us... Think about this... Even if it wasn't in the middle of winter or 7 in the morning... Why is there a 7 year old girl standing in our front yard alone? If she was lost, wouldn't you think her first reaction would be to run up to us? The girl then turns around and walks away along the side of my house and kind of just fades into the darkness because it was still dark out. I turned to my sister and said "Uhhhh.... I think... We should go now..."

That was probably the most weird moment of my life. Everything I just said was true. I'm not lying about any of that. 

Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ
Post by: Ry60003333 on September 15, 2009, 09:51:39 AM
I didn't goto school today because I've got some bug going around, but I slept in and I had a dream that Blitz was launched and I was playing it. :'(
I know what I'm working on today! :D

A while back when no one else was home, I turned on the lights downstairs, with the switch flicked up. A few minutes later, I went downstairs and they were off. It was only a little thing, but it freaked me out.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 15, 2009, 06:01:00 PM
well guys i dont know but i've also had thouse gusts of wind so i'm pretty freakd!
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: God Colin on September 16, 2009, 03:09:09 PM
Quote from: Bill on September 15, 2009, 12:11:15 AM
Also, when you're laying in bed or something, then you just randomly hear someone yell your name just once..
when you hear somebody yell your name just once yell "whos there" and the first name to pop in your head is the person who called your name. it's some spiritual thing like if somebody is dead tey follow you around in life and every once in a while call your name.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 16, 2009, 06:20:25 PM
strangely that has happened where like someone calls my name i always think of my great- grandma who died in november. 2 2006

god bless you ruth holland
Title: i dont blame u
Post by: dragonkiller on September 16, 2009, 10:57:13 PM
i live in a huse were a woman got killed at upsatis on my room now i never go up there at night  :o also i swear to god my necklace flow off my neck (it was a pic of jeseu) and yea  jumped over my chair ran down the strais and out the door and locked and i sy a shadow to when i looked through the window =0 :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 17, 2009, 08:49:03 AM
jeez dragon u scare me has any other things happpened
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: hubby on September 19, 2009, 01:52:03 AM
Well, to be honest... I believe in ghost and I myself had one of those experience actually with my hole family. It was a family movie night and I just recently moved houses and we were all watching a movie and in the middle of the movie a black figure ran across from the front door to the kitchen, which got everyone all freak out. A few minutes later the lights upstairs went off and on. So, we got the house blessed the next day.

My tip for you is that QUIT THINKING TOO MUCH ! there only two reasons that those kind of stuff happens. One, it is true that there is another life after death and Two, your just thinking way over your head.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 19, 2009, 09:34:20 AM
lookk hubby i believe in ghosts too but  did you actually see the figure with both eyes? or was it out of the corner. if it was it was most commonly light reflecting off the tv into ur eyes. but the lights turnin off scary!!!
   once in my grandparents house i thought i heard my great greandma call my name but she's dead I once also a car driving behind us in pennsylvania it was pich black dark at like 11:45 PM AND IT KEPT FOLLOWING US MY GRANDPA WHO WAS DRIVING AT THE TIME SAID " Oh don't min him he's just car like any other passin' through" my cousin who was 13 at the time was also in the car them we heard a loud bang and he's gone the other car I mean. the once my cousinand i were in a crawl space and we were lookin around at our dads' old stuff thenm some one yelled get out!!  and we rushed down stairs and we asked if anyone had called us the all said no
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Bill on September 19, 2009, 01:43:32 PM
Once my mom, my sister, and I took my dog to my grandpa's house. When we got there, my dog was fine and everything until we went into my grandma's room who was dead. When we brought my dog in my grandma's room, he just randomly started whining and wimpering and barking. We left her room and he just all of a sudden stopped. It was weird. I think her spirit or ghost was in her room and my dog somehow knew it.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: Sean on September 19, 2009, 06:11:58 PM
I had once been alone for a few hours, during that time I was bored on the computer. I had turned the TV on and had watched a movie. After the movie ended, I had got on the computer and started playing a game. My air was off and no fan was on, my door that was slightly open had closed very fast. At the time I though my parents had come home and shut my door. I went to see who closed my door and noticed that my parents still had an hour or two left at where they where at. Went back in my room and my TV was off remembering that I had left it on when I was finished with it.

That day I will never forget.  :-X
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: tarkinfish on September 20, 2009, 07:11:45 AM
Sounds like you have a rev infestation!! :o
Cast ice blitz on those ghosts and pwn teh hell out of them with dbow
might get some nice loot  ;)
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: ddsbarrageKO on September 21, 2009, 03:20:08 PM
wow WAY to fail. anyway ghosts are just annoying
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: BigDogg420 on September 21, 2009, 03:26:18 PM
I don't know if this is going off topic but has anyone ever been sitting there and felt like you like separate from your body, and like you feel like your body somehow is I don't know how to put it but feels like your legs are turning around like flipping upside down and the top half of your body is staying perfectly still or something like that.

Anyone have a comment about that or something to say about that?
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: hubby on September 21, 2009, 06:50:00 PM
Bigdogg, that's called a "out of body experience" its basically half of you is apart from yourself. I have that experience before.

For Hotmax, it was NOT a light reflecting. If my hole family saw a figure run across the room when all the lights were off.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: ddsbarrageKO on September 23, 2009, 11:50:13 PM
out of body... em where you smoking by chance because that can happen... but know ill be lating in bed and i will feel like i have been hit with a hammer in my leg and i jump up out of know where.
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: hubby on September 24, 2009, 12:57:37 AM
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 24, 2009, 08:41:53 AM
Quote from: hubby on September 24, 2009, 12:57:37 AM
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on September 28, 2009, 08:20:58 AM
oh god guys the day before yesterday i heard like heavy footsteps around my house and i was alone! yikes!!
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on October 04, 2009, 09:36:32 AM
ok guys i've just ben smacked to the ground randomly when i was home alone!
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on October 06, 2009, 07:23:03 PM
Hey guys why don't you post your scary problems too that'd be cool!  :)
Title: Re: i have a bit of a scary problem like woohoo whooo scary !!!!!READ READ READ AHHH
Post by: HotMax123 on October 18, 2009, 09:25:30 AM
so I was onthe internet and found this (
I find this scary enough to die
Title: Re: share your scary ghost stories here and look at my ghost problem!
Post by: Zack on October 18, 2009, 10:16:01 AM
You have posted 5 times in a row which is against the rules, next time something like this happens the topic will be locked.
Title: Re: share your scary ghost stories here and look at my ghost problem!
Post by: HotMax123 on October 18, 2009, 11:00:51 AM
oops.. your right I was just sharing stories. sorry.