Hey, everyone! I just started playing wizard101 acouple days ago, how about you guys? Do you like it? Do you play it? And if you do, how long? :P
I saw a commercial on TV for this. Is it any good? :P
Quote from: Ry60003333 on August 05, 2009, 02:00:58 AM
I saw a commercial on TV for this. Is it any good? :P
i too saw it and by the look of it i didn't like it much so i have not tryed it. :-\
It looked like a rip off of WoW for 10 year olds.
It's a fine game, alot of things to do. And actully, Zack, It's not a rip off of WOW. WOW is a good game, but it's nothing like Wizard101, It does not have guns, or anything like that. And yes Ry, It is a decent game. But there are some games like it such as: Runes of magic, It's kind've the same, but it has ALOT more content.
if u put it that way i think i'll look into it. :) ~Oscar~
i tink it's like runscape mage and better graphics and 1 other thing ( zack, whats wrong with bein 10 i get straight a's i don't fall for tv rip offs keep that in mind and i can name all the capitals of all fiftyy states with ease my dad even forgot em' and heck i'm 10, knew em' since i was four so basically i'm a hillbilly genius/skateboarder i can do a lot) back to the game though i think it's probally ok but i don't really like that stuff
Honestly, I think this exceeds any graphics runescape will EVER achieve, yes, over the years they overcome 2-D, but the thing is, they didn't start with the graphics Wizard101 started with. Alot of things go into updates on graphics and other things.
Such as; Players playing, Player Satisfaction, and time consumtion, all of these Wizard101 didn't have a problem with, because, they started with great graphics.
I overall, like Wizard101. :P
Quote from: Zack on August 06, 2009, 02:27:16 PM
It looked like a rip off of WoW for 10 year olds.
like zack said, its a rip off of WoW but its for
10 year olds, 10 year olds dont usually play games with guns, they do but theyre not supposed to, i have seen my brother play it and ive seen one of my friends play WoW and they are the same concept and not much of a difference
do you need to pay to play? and if you do how much? because for wow you need to pay $15 a month i think idk cause i don't play "wow"
No, you don't need to pay to play, but you can pay for extra benefits. :P By the way, WOW = World Of Warcraft.
i know what wow stands for, but u need to pay $15 a month for wow that is not cool. :P
Quote from: banjo hick on August 08, 2009, 04:20:51 PM
Quote from: Zack on August 06, 2009, 02:27:16 PM
It looked like a rip off of WoW for 10 year olds.
like zack said, its a rip off of WoW but its for 10 year olds, 10 year olds dont usually play games with guns, they do but theyre not supposed to, i have seen my brother play it and ive seen one of my friends play WoW and they are the same concept and not much of a difference
hey i sometimes play gun games don't have any but i'm prettey darn good at em' , i play em' at my freinds house and i'm 10 and i know about rip offs personaly i think wizard 101 is a rip of but a good game none the less
Lmfao, no it isn't cool Chaos. Now, HotMax, tell me which game Wizard101 is a rip off of?
Serguy, Jagex coded RuneScape in Java, so no wonder Wizard101 has better graphics.
I would love to see what the Wizard101 creators could do with Java. (Probably nothing comparable to RuneScape)
the wizard 101 characters look really dumb, one of the gu characters has a snake coiled around his arm. and wizard101 is definately a ripoff of WoW and its just for younger kids, and is it hard to code/create things on java?
*little note--
i am now 10th on the list of most posters