How often is it, when we get atleast 2 new people to the forum WHO ACTULLY POST? How many active people do we get per 1000 Registers.... Maybe 2-3 people? WHY? Why do people register then just poof... Gone? I hate it so much, if every player registered on here was active; what would this forum be like? Way more active, alot more posts, and probably alot more Forum Staff.
Do you hate this too?
I wouldn't mind a few more active people around here... the forums have been boring lately.
I do agree with this actually. Very true that probably not even, what; 10% of the people registered are active? If that even. Me personally, I try to find things worth posting on, or else it's hard for me to come up with something to say, and like you said; if there were to be more people, there would be much more posts, and topics all around the forums; leading everyone to have more to do here. It would be great to have more people around because I do love forums, it's just hard to find things to post on sometimes.
Why do they even register lol
I believe that 50% of the those people who register to the forums most likely are getting on here to make an attempt at getting a staff position, which they should obviously know is nothing more than a waste of time and whatever effort they find themselves making.
But, seeing as most of the people who come on here to ask for staff have pea sized brains, it wouldn't surprise me if they actually think they have the slightest chance at actually getting it, although; half the time you cannot even tell what they are saying , such as. « how can i by a mod » People will say things like that, and it just shows even more of their stupidity. But, those are only my thoughts.
I agree with dillon, And yet other might also think they need to sign up to the fourms, to log into worldscape classic.
Yes, Triniboy, that is correct, but....... WHY NOT STILL BE ACTIVE ON THE FORUMS? If you're playing worldscape, I find it helpful to be on the forums, for updates, etc. It's also useful while training, because to be honest, what I did was: I opened up two tabs, one for wsc and one for the Forums. I logged onto worldscape, and I went to train, found a shade, and started to attack it(In combat, not with a karils crossbow), and I went to the forums, it was probably the most active I was on the forums ever, and it helped with training too. :P
Maybe once Blitz is released, these forums will be a lot more active. I believe it will be because there will be a lot of newer and newer players coming into Blitz each day, so I can see it happening in the near future then.
But as for now, as Volcanic Me has said, it would be nice if 3 or 4 more people started being active on these forums, my job gets boring on here sometimes.
Quote from: serguy3 on July 20, 2009, 11:38:56 PM
Maybe because they don't want to? There's no rule saying you must post.
Hmmm, I like the idea some servers have where if you play on the game, you post on the forums, and as a result, they have alot more active Forum Members. I love the idea, because then everybody knows what's going on, and people don't go up to you and ask; "Y wuz the server off?" and I just go CRAZY. :P
yerh the forums are not really active
i think people are just too lazy hahahahahahaha
Also to log into Blitz, You have to use your fourm accounts, So I'm sure that should also bring in more active fourm members
trini is has a point and i hate that too, they come on for one day and then never on again -.-
I don't see why this would bother anyone at all. If people don't like the forums or don't like to post then why should they?
Quote from: Zack on July 29, 2009, 10:27:48 PM
I don't see why this would bother anyone at all. If people don't like the forums or don't like to post then why should they?
Well the forums are part of the game and its community.
You must remember the game has been offline for awhile as was the forums too.