Here are my goals for right now;
#1, Get 20 respect. - COMPLETE, thank you Volcanic Me. :)
#2, Become an IRC Mod.
#3, Get 750+ Posts(*almost* :P)
#4, See the Mona Lisa in-person.
#5, Have the most topics started -COMPLETE, Zack's not ganna be on much so that one it DONE
Asking yourself why I don't want to become a normal Moderator? Well, TBH, why does anyone? Does anyone have the deep desire for some power? No, I do not, so I do not want to become a normal moderator, I wanna become A IRC chat Moderator because I believe it would be fun. :P
There, gave you your 20th respect. Enjoy. :P
Thank you, Volcanic. xD enjoy 24 respect. ;D
good luck.
Serguy, enjoy your 22nd respect,
Volcanic, enjoy your 25th respect.
Good Luck Serguy.
Enjoy your 18 Respect(I'll try and get you 20 Respect. ;D)
well jack good luck man :)
hope you acomplish all of them :)