WorldScape Blitz

Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: serguy3 on July 16, 2009, 12:33:58 PM

Title: Two books I reccomend.
Post by: serguy3 on July 16, 2009, 12:33:58 PM
The first, is Lightening thief series. (

My second, would be Rangers apprentice series. (

                   Ranger's apprentice has five books out(in the US), in australia, 9 is about to come out while book 6 is coming out in the US.

                   The lightening series is finished(with the charactors it has right now I guess), it has 5 books.

                        BOTH are New York Times bestsellers, so...
                                   READ THEM.

Title: Re: Two books I reccomend.
Post by: jonky on July 16, 2009, 01:54:11 PM
im not really sure if that should be posted... i didnt like those books though so...
Title: Re: Two books I reccomend.
Post by: serguy3 on July 16, 2009, 03:10:43 PM
Ok, from what I just read, you're saying I shouldn't of post them because YOU didn't like either of those books? Yeah, ermm....... NO?

Title: Re: Two books I reccomend.
Post by: jonky on July 19, 2009, 12:55:16 PM
no i said i didnt like them after i said i dont think its important to post that. Yeah, ermm........ YES?
Title: Re: Two books I reccomend.
Post by: Volcanic Me on July 19, 2009, 01:53:56 PM
No Banjo, it's not pointless. Stop flaming your brother.

If you really thought it was pointless you would have post dug and flamed my post:,1806.0.html

Seriously, you were banned for a reason, and you'll probably be banned longer for ban evasion, like Zack said. Just please stop flaming people.
Title: Re: Two books I reccomend.
Post by: Chaoslancex on July 28, 2009, 04:14:53 PM
serguy i have not had time to read those books but my friend said there really good so i will look into reading them :)