The first, is Lightening thief series. (
My second, would be Rangers apprentice series. (
Ranger's apprentice has five books out(in the US), in australia, 9 is about to come out while book 6 is coming out in the US.
The lightening series is finished(with the charactors it has right now I guess), it has 5 books.
BOTH are New York Times bestsellers, so...
im not really sure if that should be posted... i didnt like those books though so...
Ok, from what I just read, you're saying I shouldn't of post them because YOU didn't like either of those books? Yeah, ermm....... NO?
no i said i didnt like them after i said i dont think its important to post that. Yeah, ermm........ YES?
No Banjo, it's not pointless. Stop flaming your brother.
If you really thought it was pointless you would have post dug and flamed my post:,1806.0.html
Seriously, you were banned for a reason, and you'll probably be banned longer for ban evasion, like Zack said. Just please stop flaming people.
serguy i have not had time to read those books but my friend said there really good so i will look into reading them :)