WorldScape Blitz

Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: serguy3 on July 06, 2009, 11:07:31 PM

Title: Top ten things NEVER say to a cop that has pulled you over.
Post by: serguy3 on July 06, 2009, 11:07:31 PM
#1, "Want some crack?"
#2, "Sorry, I thought this was Mexico."
#3, "Didn't I see you yesterday?"
#4, "Sorry, My HUGE bag of weed is blocking my License.
#5, "Hey! Don't touch my smuggled beer!"
#6, "Wait....... What.........?"
#7, "Yeah, that's what the last guy said! 'I'll give you a warning', hah!"
#8, "I'm the mayor!"
#9, "Crap! You can see my License Plate!
#10, "Hey, can you hold my beer while I get my License?"(Ok, in Texas.) :P

                  I thought I did decent. :P NO FLAMING NOOBS. :P

Title: Re: Top ten things NEVER say to a cop that has pulled you over.
Post by: God Colin on July 07, 2009, 12:39:45 AM
But here's some standards/ duh things.
1. Never run.
2. Never offend an officer.
3. NEVER flirt with a female officer.
4. NEVER EVER know what forget that. awalys make shure you never break the law even until you get caught.
Title: Re: Top ten things NEVER say to a cop that has pulled you over.
Post by: Banana boy on July 07, 2009, 05:31:18 AM
And also don't punch them :)
Title: Re: Top ten things NEVER say to a cop that has pulled you over.
Post by: serguy3 on July 07, 2009, 11:09:29 AM
I got one inspired by God Colins' signature.

    Never rub the ticket on your butt. :P
