Today we've released TRUE genuine WorldScape Classic rares!
Today I will be giving out the following RARES:
8 Blue Berets, 6 Black Berets, and 4 White berets.
I'll also be giving out *ONE* FishBowl Helmet. This is now officially the rarest item in WorldScape Classic.
Please do not beg me to give you these items. I will be dropping them randomly in Lumbridge for an hour as of approximately 12:00PM US Western to approximately 1:00PM US Western.
Update: All Berets, and FishBowl Helmets will/are deleted as of today except the ones being handed out.
Good luck, and happy gaming!
I think it's cool that you're trying to fix the Economy on WS, BUT YOU JUST DELETED ALL BERETS. -.-, Death Zone USES Berets in there Uniform...
Sounds great that you're fixing the economy. But what about the dupers?
We'll take care of any dupers as they come along. And as for uniforms, you can easily change it.
Thank you for your comments.
well, serguy we also use the mask so it's no problem, and hey i got one of each muahahahahahahahahahah :)
is it possible that you could put time conversions cause its hard for me to understand what 12:00PM US Western is when my time is perth time =/
dang, wish i could have been there....., lucky trini.... but chaos what type of masks do u use?
does that mean the item can't be dropped from monsters?
banana boy, well i went to north pole to and well they did not drop any. :P
o, dang, that sucks, but chaos, what masks do u use for death zone?
we use hyway masks, and well about the rares i also have the only fish bowl in ws!!!!!! :D
uhhhh..... trini has one.... so there must be more than one.....
gratz to chaos geting the rarest item on ws! 8)
wow e never seen a fishbowl helmet have u droped yet???
Ok About Deleting berets Im Wearing A Black beret And Got A Blue beret in Bank Will They be Deleted Coz It Toook Me AGES TO Get Them.
I saw a guy have one on too and I saw also many other people with them well not many mods a few players cursed dudpers!
its pretty hard to stop dupers, they dupe then give away right away
yep thats why we should have an I.D. block on items that wayplayers can't make morwe if they don't have the ID
I think all items should be deleted and have a fresh start. :o
(except Pk armour) ;D :D
Horrible Idea Oscar, Anyways I traded this on person a bobble scarf for 45m ourg bones, You can delete them if you want Jeremy. I think they were duped.
So that's where my 300K black berets went?
i think chaos has a good idea, and a certain amount of each item would be thrown in there, or the people who had lost a lot would get first choice out of a list of items and the rest would be dropped
Banjo= Suckup.
omri=failure and spammer!
How am i failure? I understand i spam at moment's but not purposely, Your one of the most irritating people banjo..
i know i am, but you fail for not knowing how you fail, there for you fail
Guys please stop figthing it's causing spam in this topic.
louis this was a long time ago and i got two blue, black and one white!!!too bad i dont have them anymore i sold them to chaos and trini and other people
i even got one of the 3 questions right!
~the deathtron saga~
soo thats where all my berets went i was wondering what happened lol wish i could have been there thanks or the late tips up thou :) and btw u might wanna keep a heads up on the rare that 4 people have in game zaros mjolnir because i know 2 people that have it me="Dugs bank"
and suspected sumone called "get owned"
anyway thanks for the release of items hope we all get a chance to weild them :D
p.s(Right before blitz comes lets do sumthing soo crazy it would be the best along with blitz to ever happen my idea make everyone mod lol jokes )
good that u have done more rares but i really think u should release SKILLCAPES!! i know many have taked it up and many want it. (cuz it's really hot).. >=D!
Quote from: Maxi on January 17, 2010, 08:06:44 AM
good that u have done more rares but i really think u should release SKILLCAPES!! i know many have taked it up and many want it. (cuz it's really hot).. >=D!
No change. Skillcapes will be in the Blitz version of worldscape. Be patience. ;)
Wow Jeremy that is really awesome!
This is no longer recent so I'm locking this. ::)
Haha this is funny. It's funny because this topic is locked, yet I can still post on it. Hahaha, funny, haha. Ahhh....... :)
I love you, Ryan. o.o