What you have all been waiting for. The most epic video of Blitz!
(Permitting grave digging for this video)
dang, the graphics look amazing,they are really puting alota work into this game. good job, thanks for taking time to post the epic vid.
Well thats low detail, But think how good it would be when its in clent high detail.
Z0MG. I wanna play!! (Can't wait). >:-D
trini arent u a beta tester? and can u make like a 5 minute vid of u doing stuff like thieving and the one where u make the npcs fight eachother?
Ryan said he would do something later. So that's a no no right now.
k, not my fault u got my hopes up! i have to see that monster fight though....
Now that I've played it...... I MEAN DANG it's really good, lol. (Not that it wouldn't be.) IT'S JUST AMAZING. I can't wait till -EVERYONE- can play blitz. :P
Yeah it's really good probally almost good enough to be playable!! :)